Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

    Huo Shu froze, and slowly slid down the hand holding her.

    She could hear the tiredness in her tone.

    Everything she did made Su Yu feel physically and mentally exhausted.

    But why isn't she frightened?

    "Go to sleep first and don't think too much about it. I'll come to see you tomorrow."

    Su Yu sighed lightly, patted her hand, and said softly: "It's not suitable for talking at night. You must be tired after going to a banquet. Rest."

    Huo Shu held back tears, nodded heavily, "Yeah."


    The door was closed, and the woman's tall and seductive back gradually disappeared.

    Huo Shu couldn't hold back the tears any longer, turned around and fell on the bed, choked with sobs.

    How did it become like this?

    Why did the two people who were still very good suddenly become what they are now?

    She didn't want to be like this... She didn't want to...

    She lay on the bed and choked up, her tears soaked the brocade quilt. After crying for a while, she gradually stopped.

    Such a self, not to mention Su Yu, would be upset even if it were someone else?

    She also wants to trust her, but how dare she trust her!

    Can she put all her sustenance on her and count on her to never leave her for the rest of her life? is it possible.

    Long life, too lonely, if there is no one to accompany, I am afraid I will be driven crazy.

    On the day when she left, could she count on Su Yu to spend the rest of her life with the little affection she had for her?

    Huo Shu propped himself up and came to the dressing table. In the mirror, the girl looked fair and soft, with red and swollen eye circles, which almost ruined her beauty.

    She caressed her cheeks. Su Yu probably wouldn't like herself like this, would she?

    Although she didn't know her preferences very well, she felt that she shouldn't like crying girls.

    It's like this... She should be annoyed.

    Huo Shu clenched his lips, feeling a little annoyed.

    She was just playing with her petty temper and didn't really want to lose her. She still cared about her in every possible way.

    She didn't want to, because she couldn't think about it for a while, and let others take advantage of it.

    After hesitating for a while, Huo Shu got up to wash up, and when he came out, it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

    Huo Shu pushed open the door. At this time, the entire Carol family was very quiet. Most of the blood clans had gone to the banquet, and there were very few blood clans left.

    Of course, except for the sleeping ancestors.

    She searched outside for a long time, and finally found Su Yu on the railing at the end.

    She sat on the railing, behind her was the dense and almost indissoluble night, and the pale moonlight fell on her shoulders, creating a bit of loneliness out of thin air.

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