Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

    "Master Su Yu?"

    Huo Shu was slightly stunned, searching in his mind for a long time, but he never remembered that he had known such a big man.

    The two young men looked at each other and said respectfully, "The one who invited you to drink last night."

    She was taken aback, and she couldn't help but see a woman's glamorous and lazy smile, and her every move was charming to the bone.

    So... her name is Su Yu?

    Julia's face was ruthless, her fists were clenched tightly, and she gritted her teeth, "Huo Shu, what drug did you give Miss Su Yu?" All of this

    should belong to her.

    If Huo Shu hadn't suddenly appeared and snatched Su Yu away, she would be the object of their protection now.

    "Still honest?"

    Andrew leaned down and patted her cheek lightly, with a look of pity in his eyes, "Only you dare to dream of seeing Master Su Yu?"

    Such an ancient existence, even their clan Patriarch Zhong must also be called Mianxia.

    A mere human being has a lot of guts.

    "Let go of me!"

    Julia kept struggling, her face flushed, and everyone around her was silent, daring not to speak.

    She firmly believed that as long as she saw Su Yu, everything would be different.

    She praised her last night.

    She said she was very cute and said that we would meet again next time.

    That bitch Huo Shu just used her body to please that adult, as long as she can see Su Yu again, with her skills, she believes that she will be fascinated by her.

    Andrew carried her, and yawned lazily, "I'm sleepy, let's's really good to sleep in this weather."

    He shook his fine golden hair, and said casually: "Miss Huo Shu, how do you want to deal with this?" A woman?"

    Huo Shu looked down at Julia.

    There was no trace of fear in her eyes, only resentment.

    At this moment, she... I'm afraid she hates herself very much.

    Another young man rubbed his hair and came over, "Miss Huo Shu, as long as you say a word, we will immediately break her neck. Even if she is the daughter of that old man Xavier Andy, she will definitely not survive today."

    Huo Shu frowned slightly, "Won't this...wouldn't it cause trouble for Su...Su Yu?"

    St. Peter's City is not a small city.

    Among the eighteen cities in Western Europe, it can be regarded as an upstream city.

    Especially the Andy family is a well-known aristocrat in the entire Western Continent.

    It might not be a good thing for Su Yu to offend such a family.

    The two youths looked at each other with weird smiles.

    "Miss Huo Shu, it seems that you really don't know Su Yumian... What kind of existence is Lord Su Yu?

    " It's easy to offend."

    "You don't have to worry about this."

    Huo Shu lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about this issue.

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