Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

    Lu Renxing didn't notice her cold tone, so he smiled and said, "No, I've been waiting for the girl outside the Chunjing Building since a month ago, and I finally got the girl." He was confident that a handsome man would be so

    affectionate Waiting for her, no woman can resist this kind of pursuit.

    So what about Huo Cheng's woman, if he can rob him once, he can also rob him a second time.

    Besides, this time, Huo Cheng's vision was really good.

    Her appearance is probably one of the best in the entire Jinling, she is light and a little delicate, making people unconsciously guess what kind of beauty it would be if she was hugged in her arms.

    Su Yu almost laughed out loud.

    Is this hero Mary Su Jing?

    What's up with such a self-conscious expression?

    In today's world, this kind of behavior is enough to be defined as abnormal, okay?

    She turned around and ignored him.

    The smile on Lu Renxing's face froze.

    After a while, he took a deep breath and suppressed the impatience in his heart, "Miss Su Su, may I have a drink as a favor?"

    Su Yu paid the money and beckoned Chun Xing to come over, then took the time to give him a look, "No Reward."

    Lu Renxing: ...

    He clenched his fists, turned around and chased after him, "Miss Susu, I think you may have misunderstood me. I have no malicious intentions and just want to make friends with you and get to know you." Su

    Yu Interrupting his words, he said in a low voice: "Whether I want to get to know you or not is up to me. I'll tell you clearly, I don't want to.


    be friends? It's beautiful.

    The repeated refusal also made Delu Renxing lose the patience to act.

    He chased out the door, grabbed her arm, and sneered, "Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, what kind of big man does a busker really think of himself?" "

    Huo Cheng spoils you, but I don't spoil you.

    " city?

    Su Yu's mind went blank for a moment.

    Who is this?

    Oh, I remembered, Brother Huo Shu.

    On the opposite street,

    Huo Shu and Huo Cheng were wandering side by side.

    "Ashu, I told you that this month is boring enough for you. If you stay at home all day, you will almost suffocate me to death. If you stay any longer, you will become an old girl." Huo Cheng babbled as he walked

    . Sighing, "If you want me to say, a girl of your age should go out more often. If I hadn't pulled you out, would you still be bored in the room by yourself?" Huo Shu gave a nonchalant hum


    Her demeanor was casual, and she could tell at a glance that she didn't take what he just said to heart.

    Huo Cheng was a little annoyed, and reached out to pat her, "Can you listen to me carefully, girl?"

    "Don't make noise!"

    As soon as he finished speaking, he found that her eyes suddenly turned to a certain place, and followed her.

    "Lu Renxing? Damn!"

    Before he finished speaking, Huo Shu seemed to have noticed something, and walked over quickly, his face darkened, "Lu Renxing, it's too late to play such a dirty trick on a girl, right?" Lu

    Ren Xing let go of his hand suddenly, and quickly explained, "Miss Huo, listen to me, things are not what you think, Miss Susu and I just met by chance, not what you think." Huo Shu didn't even look at him, turned

    to "Yuyu, are you okay?"

    The girl's eyes were red, she rubbed her arm that hurt from being scratched, and muttered softly, "Do you still remember me?"

    Huo Shu froze, with a touch of bitterness The bottom of my heart spread.

    How can you not remember?

    Deliberate avoidance is to forget, but it seems to be useless, her memory is getting clearer and cannot be erased at all.

    She clenched her hands tightly, gritted her teeth and turned around, "If you're okay, then I'll leave first. I've been busy these days, so..." "


    the girl behind her grabbed the corner of her clothes, "Just ...Stay a little longer, please, and say a few words with me, I miss you a lot these days."

    His voice was trembling, with some pleading.

    Huo Shu's heart ached so badly that he wanted to turn around and hug her but he didn't dare.

    She is afraid!

    I was afraid that once I hugged her, I would never let go.

    "Miss Su Su?"

    Huo Cheng, who was chasing after him, also heard the words of several people, his eyes lit up, "Are you Miss Su Su?"

    Su Yu bowed her head and hummed.

    "Ah Shu has always praised you for being beautiful, and it really is the case when I saw you today."

    Huo Cheng rubbed his hands and patted Huo Shu on the shoulder, "You and our family Ah Shu have already told you that she has been bored by herself these days. At home, I'm really afraid that she will bore me to death, so let's go for a stroll together."

    Huo Shu: ...

    What is her brother talking nonsense about?

    Why did she praise her for being beautiful?


    Huo Cheng ignored her and smiled flatteringly, "Miss Susu, my Ah Shu is always cold-hearted and kind-hearted, don't take it to heart, let's go, let's go together."

    This guy is quite interesting.

    Su Yu bent her lips and looked at Huo Shu, "Miss Huo Shu, do you mind if I come with you?"

    Huo Shu opened his mouth, looked at that smiling little face, finally he was not willing to say the word "refusal", and hummed softly.

    This time, let's treat it as the last indulgence.

    As soon as she nodded, she saw the girl with crooked eyebrows, came over from the side, grabbed her hand, and smiled brightly, "Miss Huo Shu, the ground is slippery, do you mind if I drag you along?"

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