Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

    Huo Shu held a bouquet of roses in her hand. The bright red petals were so delicate and charming. Her face was blushing, her eyebrows and eyes were burning, reflecting the roses, she looked even brighter.

    Su Yu was slightly taken aback.

    Huo Shu's face was flushed, and he said embarrassingly: "I... I heard that when you are in love, you will send each other a bouquet of flowers, so..." There

    was a bit of anxiety in her tone, for fear that she would not like it.

    After all, this is the first time she has fallen in love when she grows up, and she doesn't know how to get along with each other.

    But... the little girl is the one she trusts the most, and she wants to bring the best in the world to her.

    After a long time, the girl opposite suddenly chuckled.

    Huo Shu's body was stiff, his nervous hands were sweating, and he didn't know where to put his eyes, looking around.

    "Thank you, I like it very much."

    Su Yu took the flowers, lowered her head and sniffed lightly, the corners of her lips slowly curled up.

    What a fool, what year is it, and you still send flowers?

    She has never had any feelings for flowers.

    But... because of the owner who sent the flowers, even with them, it is considered a love of the house.

    Huo Shu breathed a sigh of relief, scratched his head, "As long as you like it."

    The little girl fiddled with the petals with her head down, hummed casually, very lazily.

    Huo Shu was a little disappointed.

    Didn't it mean that girls would jump up and kiss each other excitedly when they receive flowers?


    is this little liar conscious?


    Huo Shu recovered, "Huh?"

    Su Yu raised her eyelids and asked with a smile, "Are you just here to give me flowers?"

    She was taken aback for a moment.

    The girl frowned, glanced at her lightly, and said in a drawn-out tone, "Don't you miss me?"

    Huo Shu blushed suddenly.


    "Think about it."

    She turned her head away, a little embarrassed.

    If she didn't miss her too much, why would she come to her door early in the morning to look for her?

    It wasn't until seeing her that the feeling of disappointment in my heart finally settled down.

    Not a dream!

    She was really with Su Yu.

    "I miss you too."

    Su Yu put down the flowers, put her arms around her waist, and sighed softly, "What a fool."

    "You are stupid!"

    Huo Shu blushed, reached out and squeezed her cheek Then he seemed to think of something, and quickly explained, "I have nothing to do with Cui Fang, it was my dad who made the decision, and I have already explained it to them." "My dad said, I will explain it to the

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