Chapter 1 - The Basics

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One week after Ink left...


Ink's View:
I woke up and didn't even bother to open my eyes.

My baby was one week old now.

And I wasn't even there too see that. Bete and Gaster had given me a week to recover a little. But today was the day their project on me began. I slowly opened my eyes and saw barely any light. I looked at the magic suppressing chains I had on and sighed. I was dressed in an oversized shirt and leggings.

At least they're comfortable.
I..I w-want to see the baby-!
Fucking hell, stop crying you big baby!
Ignore him, let the sadness pour out...

"Good morning, Ink~!" Bete said, unlocking my door.

* Um..hi.

She used magic my free my chains, but my magic was still dampened from the drugs they gave me. I assumed they were putting it in the food since other than those times, I was never given anything. All I really had was a notepad and a few art supplies. We went down the hallways and down a few staircases into the kitchen. Gaster had just finished breakfast.

And I was starving.

"Thanks Gaster!" Bete took her big breakfast to the living room.

He stared at me before handing me a salad.

* ...uh...

* We told you not to eat so much during your pregnancy, so now we have to take that weight back off.

* Gee, thanks.

I sat down on the table and Gaster ate his food right opposite me.

* I'm not a rabbit, y'know...

* If you don't want to eat, then don't.

* I do but...I need some source of meat, some protein. I gave birth a week ago.

* We don't care, now eat.

I ate in silence and once I had finished, I went to wash my bowl. Then Bete left the plates and cutlery for me to wash. I rolled my eyes as I washed them. Then Gaster left his things-

* I'm not your slave.

* That's a shame, clean up the kitchen then come to the lab.

Gaster shut the door behind him.

Day 7.

Error's View:
* Jammy, put the iPad down and eat your food please!

Palette was crying as he was hungry and I had to get Jammy ready for school.

* Ahem. Jam, go eat your food, right now.

Blue gave Jammy that look of discipline and finally, he listened. A tentacle gently took Palette off me.

* ..Be careful!

* You know I will, Error.

He got the baby bottle out of the microwave and started to feed him.

* How are you feeling today? :)

Blue asked, packing all the children's packed lunches.

* Exhausted...

* Understandable, Palette is one heck of a crybaby.

* Nighty do you remember Luna's first days?

* Don't remind me of the trauma...

Blue laughed and I smiled.

But it only made me think of Ink more.

* Eh..thanks guys, I'll take it from here.

Nightmare gave the bottle and Palette back to me so I could continue feeding him. When Jammy finished eating, he put his plate into the dishwasher and went to put on his shoes, I followed behind him, finishing feeding Palette. We got into the car where Lux and Dream were waiting. I put Lux and Jammy into their car seats and helped them with their seatbelts whilst Dream got Palette into his baby carrier seat. It was my first day sitting at the front and my baby sitting at the back.

* We can watch him through the mirror the entire time. :)

* I know, but that doesn't make me any less nervous...

* Awww!

Dream started the car and drove.

I turned around every few minutes to make sure everything was okay. The toddlers were watching a video but Lux was the only one smiling.

* Planning on going anywhere today?

* I dunno...Ink usually did the shopping for the kitchen near our bedroom...

There was an awkward silence.

* You don't know what to buy, do you.

* A- No, no I don't...

Dream smiled as he stopped at the traffic light.

* Need me to help?

* That would be great, thanks..

My eyes widened as I heard Palette cry but before I could see why Jammy was playing peekaboo with him, calming him down.

* Get it on video, quick!

I got my phone out and recorded it...Ink would've loved this moment.

We dropped the children at school and Dream drove to the huge shop and parked the car so I could give Palette the rest of his unfinished bottle and burp him.

* Do you know what Ink would usually buy?

* Yeah, but not the brands..

* No worries, I can show you what the family usually buys. :)

Dream got out the stroller for me and I put Palette inside so we could enter the shop.

* He's so cute when he's asleep!

* Heh, yeah. And an absolute ear destroyer when he's awake.

I followed Dream to the baby isle.

* We were all like that as babies.

* Sure.

Dream looked at my list and started putting things into the large trolley.

* Do you know which diaper brand Ink would usually buy? We all picked different ones for our children.

* I just remember they were pastel yellow in the middle...

* Ah, I know those!

We spent an hour in the shopping mall. Palette had deeply fallen asleep by the time we came out of the shop and got back into the car. We drove back home and unpacked.

* That reminds me, I'm going to talk to...y'know. See if we're can at least do FaceTime every week. Is that okay with you?

* ...We have a chance to talk to Ink?

Dream nodded, smiling.

* Sure then, whatever it takes.

Hours later...

Dream's View:
"You seriously think he'll say yes?" Bete was sat opposite me, giving me her creepy grin.

* I don't see why not, he owes me after all.

"Yeah, from ages ago!"

* Still an owe.

The door opened and Gaster walked in, using magic to keep the door locked.

* I-

* FaceTiming? And how often would you like this.

* I think Ink deserve to choose as and when he can. He should be allowed a phone. I'm guessing you somehow taken away his magical abilities so a phone doesn't do anything for him.

He glared at me.


* Fine.

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