Chapter 81 - The Trust

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Nightmare's View:
* S-Someone g-gave her the red crystal...

What does the red one do?
It alters someone's memory.
Knowing Bloom, she probably went straight to her brother and parents.

* Stay calm, I'll go and find her. Stay here with Navy, okay?

Solis nodded, Navy waddling over to him and holding his hand. I texted Blue as I went to Dream's room and knocked on the door.

* Come in brother!


* Hey, everything okay in here?

* Mhm, we were just having some family time, why?

* Where's Bloom?

* Oh she felt tired and went to her room. :)

If she were to use the crystal on them, she'd want them to see her as a fighter instead of a thinker.

* Will Bloom start training soon?

Cross laughed a little.

* Bloom? Train? She doesn't need to train, her fighting skills are incredible!

* Uncle, she's so good that she's gonna go with my mother to the next mission when it comes around. 😊

I can't believe she'd actually do that.
Mhm. I need to see how much she's actually done.

Bloom's View:
* want me to take care of all of them?

[ "Exactly, it's what your father would've wanted." ]

* Could we just call him Shattered please? Cross is my dad.

[ "Not by blood he's not. ]

* Right...but Cross feels more like my Dad.

[ "Whatever makes ya happy. Use the crystals carefully, read the note so you know which one does what." ]

* Okie dokie, thank you!

I hung up the phone and read the note.

Red - has the ability to change someone's memory
Orange - has the ability to slow someone down
Yellow - has the ability to paralyse someone
Green - has the ability to heal someone
Blue - has the ability to change someone's current emotion
White - has the ability to control minds
Black - has the ability to corrupt
Clear - Unknown

There was a knock on the door and I quickly hid the crystals under my bed.

* Come in!

Uncle Night opened the door and looked straight at me, he didn't look so happy.

* Where's the red crystal.

* ..what?-

* Bloom I don't think you understand how dangerous those things are. Where did you put the red one??

* I don't know what you're talking ab-

* I know you have it, Solis told me. Don't you remember Flail using them? Solis is terrified of those crystals and you've stressed him put so give me the crystal, now.

* I threw it into a random timeline.

* No you didn't. Those crystals have an effect on the person who claims them too, y'know. You crave its power.

* I don't have it!

* Bloom.

I stood up.

* I said I don't-


I used magic, the red crystal teleporting to my hand. Without a moment to spare, I held it up to Uncle Night.

He can't remember what just happened, nor the conversation he had with Solis.

I put the crystal on my pocket.

* Uncle?

* Yeah..? Jeez I have so much work to do, why was I here again?

* You were giving me advice for my first mission with my mother.

* Oh- right. Just stay focused and allocate your magic wisely.

I hugged him and thanked him before he left the room. I was about to close my bedroom door when I realised Solis was outside my room, listening to the whole thing.

* Sol...I-

* I wanted to trust you.

* You can!- I'm was done in a panic...if I put the crystal back..someone evil might find it.

* Let them, you'll use it in all the wrong ways!

Solis's View:
* Excuse me?

* You'll become addicted to its power like Nightmare said, please just..just throw it away...

I saw her clench on the crystal in her pocket. She was thinking.

* have all of them, don't you.

* Sol-

* Stay well away from me.

I teleported straight to Sci's lab. He was doing some research with Amelia.

"Oh hey Solis! How are ya?" She asked, taking her lab goggles off.

* Can we tell me more about the Crystals of Ida..? Well, F-Flail used them a lot so I have a pretty good idea about them but...can you explain the part that makes them so...addicting?

"Uhm...sure. The crystals were initially created by five powerful witches for a king. They cast a spell on it so the king would get more and more addicted to it. He refused to stop using them."

* Did they eventually get it off him?

"In order to disconnect someone's magic to the alluring effects of the crystals, the person has to give up their magic or die, which is what happened to the king eventually."

* Couldn't the witches undo the spell?

She shook her head.

"The five witches had chaos magic just like my sisters and I. As a matter of fact, they're actually descendants of my sister and I...but we can't reverse their spells unfortunately."

* There were five witches...but only triplets...what about the other two.

"No clue, maybe one day we'll find them, but they aren't royalty I don't think. Is everything okay?"

I shook my head.

"Wanna talk about it?"

* I can't...but th-thank you for h-helping me...

She nodded, smiling. I teleported to my room and sat on my bed. Bloom would be devastated if her magic got taken away...and taking her life? That wasn't an option. As long as she learnt to not go extreme...then it would be fine...I think.

One week later...


We were all having breakfast. Bloom was sat with her brother, joyfully eating and talking. I hadn't talked to her since the...event. I went to sit with Ink and his little family.

* Hey Solis!

* G-Good morning...

Jammy came go sit next to me; he laid his head on my arm.

* Hi J-Jammy..🙂

We ate together, talking about what we planned to do later today. Ink and Error were gonna check out one of the timelines on the gang list alongside Blue and Nightmare. I had school...

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