Chapter 53 - The Reunion

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Outer's View:
* All ready?

Gaster, Bete and Solis nodded.

Solis was in a sound suppressing capsule and he closed his eyes as Gaster turned on the radiation.

We were finally separating Flail from his body.

I used my magic and entered his mind.

* NO!

* You need to let go, or you'll hurt yourself!-

Solis tried to move away from Flail, but he refused to do so. Flail was a Papyrus, surprisingly. I used magic, forcing Flail away from his brother. Solis ran and stayed behind me as we all started to phase.

* You have to let go of that hate, Flail.


* Solis deserves to be f-

* I'll make sure you regret intervening, Outer.

I went out of his mind and saw Solis and Flail in two separate capsules. Flail's one was magic suppressed. We unlocked Solis's one and he came out, hugging me.

* Thank you so much...

* The pleasure is all mine. :)

Flail banged on his one.


I looked over at Gaster.

* What happens now..?

"He'll stay here for testing, his magic is beyond what we've seen."

* Make sure you don't hurt him though, okay..?

"Outer you're too kind for this world. Some people deserve pain." =)

Her smile creeped me out a little bit; I held Solis's hand and went back home.

Jammy's View:
I stared intensely at Dad.

There was no way he was winning this staring contest.

* C'mon Jam, you're not winning this time.

But yet, I still did. I patted him on the back as he sulked in his loss. Yet again.

* Next time I'll beat ya. Let's go to your baby bro and mother, k?

I nodded and held his hand and we went downstairs. Ma was in the garden with baby bro.

* Heyy you two!

I went to sit in the blanket Ma had laid out and ate a cupcake.

* Hey Inky, I finished the school forms like you asked.

* Awesome. JamJam, we have some news for you!

I turned to face Ma and did sign.

I turned to face Ma and did sign

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