Chapter 68 - The Gang

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Error's View:
* Hey, Inky?

* Yeah?

* I saw you got a letter from the docs, was the scan all good?

* Ohhhh yeah, everything makes sense now...

* Makes...sense?

* The results say I have a condition called...LGS.

* What's LGS?

He got out the letter again and read it.

* Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. It's the first time they've seen it in a skeleton weirdly enough, so it presents slightly differently to humans.

* What were the symptoms?

* Uhm..atypical absences,

* Heh.

* Hyperactivity,

Hm, really.

* Sleep disturbances, developmental delays- you know that every time I've zone out, they were most likely mini seizures?

* That makes a lot of sense.

He nodded, cuddling more with me.

* Is there a way to treat it?

* There's a way to manage it, but no cure exactly..

* Is it life threatening?

* They won't know until more tests are ran, but since it hasn't totally killed me off yet, I doubt it.

I kissed him again.

* We'll be okay, we've always been okay.

I said, looking into Ink's eyes.

He nodded, snuggling into me.

Slash's View:
I crept past Blue and Nightmare's room and knocked on Solis's door.

* H-Hello?

* It's Slash, can I come in?

* S..Sure...

I slowly opened the door to see Solis wiping his face with a towel. Had he just been crying?

* Heh, just wiping my face......I do uh-...bone care routines..!

* Ohhh, that makes sense. I was wondering if you wanted to chill with the twins, Luna and I. :)

* I'm okay...thanks..

* Are you sure? We didn't see you at all at school today, I'm a little worried. 😅

My magic scanned the entire room without him realising; everything was fine.

* Yeah, I just felt like being alone...

Why did he have a first aid kit and a bunch of bandages?

* Being alone so much is unhealthy.  C'mon, it'll be fun!

* I'm really tired-

There was another knock on the door.

* Solis?

Blue entered the room with some hot chocolate.

* Oh, hey Slash!

* Heyyyy Blue!

* Solis is recovering from quite the nasty infection so maybe he'll join you guys in a game of UNO tomorrow, okay?

* Oh right..I completely forgot, my bad Sol, I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?

He nodded before I left the room.

Solis's View:
Slash telelorted back downstairs and I sighed with relief. Blue came to sit down on my bed.

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