Chapter 40 - The Crystals

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Red - has the ability to change someone's memory
Orange - has the ability to slow someone down
Yellow - has the ability to paralyse someone
Green - has the ability to heal someone
Blue - has the ability to change someone's current emotion
White - has the ability to control minds
Black - has the ability to corrupt
Clear - ???

Ellie's View:
"We need to get Dream, Blue and Nightmare out of this now."

Amelia nodded and teleported back to the castle to help the woman and Blue.

"Cross get ready and grab Dream."

* On it.

Dream's View:
I swear all you were doing was looking-

I was! How did we even get here?

No clue.

Solis smiled at the sight of me in a cage. He opened a briefcase and inside it were crystals.

* You don't know what these are, do you?

* No...Solis you don't have to do this, let's ta-

* The more time you waste, the less chance your brother has of remember everybody, so watch your mouth.

He took out a yellow crystal.

* You wanna help? You can help me by listening. This yellow crystal will paralyse you once you look at it. Meaning every function in your body will stop, but you don't die....but your baby will, slowly and painfully. You're irrelevant in my plan, but Shattered isn't. If he decides to betray you and fully take over, your brother will go free. You'll simply be the vessel in which Shattered functions in.

Dream don't do it, you've wanted this baby for ages.

Night has a family, he been through too much so give it all up.

So fucking what?! He can learn to gain his memory back.

* Look at the crystal, please-

* I..

I felt the pressure in my chest rise. Was I seriously having heart burn now?!

* PLEASE HELP ME and look at it.

It's two people talking. Who's in charge of Solis's body? Look at the choice of words.

I noticed it too. The others must've realised something by now.

He teleported into the cage and grabbed me, forcing me against the bars. He held up the crystal to my face and a knife to my tummy.

* Open your eyes, I'm not playing with you.

Hey, where's Outer?

I'm not sure...something isn't right..

I opened my eyes suddenly as I was stabbed in the chest.


* There we go...

I dropped to the floor, feeling nothing. Everything started to quiet down.

* C'mon Shattered...just take over the body.

Do it...

Dream no, I don't want to-

You've been spending the last five months warning and threatening to take over. Here is your opportunity!-

No. It's a trap. Those crystals look so familiar.

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