Chapter 6 - The Secrets

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Nightmare's View:
I heard crying and by the feeling it gave me, I knew it was Dream.

He had just dreamt about one of my past traumas..

And I had just dreamt about one of his..

He...he was really axed.
He endured it..for us-
Be quiet.

* I-I'm so sorry, N-Nighty...

He didn't stop apologising.

I said be quiet.

I was a being of pure negativity but this feeling...was so unpleasant.

You always choose them over me!
No Nighty, I don't!
Then just stay by the tree!
I can't...

I stood up and looked at him.

But what about Dream...-
I'm sick of this childish behaviour, WE are negativity. We don't give ANYONE sympathy-
You gave Blue sympathy.
Don't bring Blue into this.

* Dream-

...did you feel that?
Yeah...I did.

Dream acted like he had just gotten shocked.

He felt it too.

* Are you okay?

He looked up at me and wiped his tears before standing up.

* We should get back to the hotel..

* But Dream-

* We can talk about it tomorrow...I'm really tired.. 😅

I held his hand.

* I don't hate know that right?

He nodded slowly. I teleported us back to the hotel and he gave me a hug before going back to his room.

Disgusting hugs.
Lighten up, it was nice. :)

We returned back to our room.

Dream's View:
I closed the hotel door behind and saw that Cross and Lux were fast asleep.

Look at all he went through~

I quickly rushed to my bedside drawer and took out a container with an
epi-pen looking device.

It's a type of stabiliser.'ll block him out entirely?
Yup! Use it only when you feel him in you.

I stabbed it into my ecto for a few seconds before taking it out and rubbing the area.

Deep breaths.
Calm down.

I got changed into my pyjamas and sat on my bed. Cross was sleeping so peacefully...if only I could do the same. In order to keep him out, the side effects of the medication included headaches.


No One's View:
Epic moaned as Dust began to move, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure rocking through his body.

* Ah~ Fuck... fuck...

He whispered.

Dust's cock throbbed inside of him as he stared down at Epic. His gaze was heated and full of lust. Maybe something else too. Epic couldn't quite make it out.

He moaned as Dust breathed out his name, his thrusting beginning to speed up. Epic's body seemed react naturally, his hips rolling into each thrust. It felt so good. He felt so good. He made another shaking noise. He heard Dust gulp above him and his thrusting sped up once more, soft, wet smacks being heard from where they were connected. It drove him crazy.

* W-We can't b-be too l-loud~

* Ah~! I-I'm t-trying..~

His feet arched and dragged along the soft bed as his thighs twitched. He had the sudden realization that there's was a small chance someone could still hear them and they both gasped as Epic clenched down.

* Babe, calm down... n-no one can see or hear us...

Dust breathed out. That did help to soothe Epic's anxiety and he nodded. He let out another shaking moan as Dust's speed picked up once more.

His vision was pulsing along with his pounding soul. Dust breathed out Epic's name again, his voice a little more strained. Epic's hands tightened on Dust's once again. Dust leaned down and pressed their teeth together, his tongue making itself back at home in the other's mouth. They licked into each other desperately, both of their bodies hot and needy. Epic was in pleasurable tears.

It felt so good. He gasped, hearing Dust swear above him as he tightened again. The other was pounding into him, making Epic's body rock. Epic gulped. It felt like there was pressure growing in his belly and luckily, it was a feeling he recognized.

* Dust... D-Dust~ bruh, gonna cum...~

He managed in a strained voice. Dust nodded, whispering that he was close too.

Dust's thrusts were becoming harder and more erratic, making Epic fucking lose it.

* Dust~!! DUST!! FUCK!!

He wailed. Dust shivered above him. Epic came before he was ready, the pressure in his stomach bursting as his cum spattered Dust's cock. Dust slammed into him and Epic shrieked as he felt something hot, thick and wet spilling into him. It felt so fucking strange. He squeezed Dust's hands again, feeling the other squeeze back.

* Epic... fuck...

Dust breathed out, leaning down and pressing their teeth together again. Epic's hips were tense and sore. He let out a weak noise as Dust pulled out of him. It made a sticky squelching noise, Epic whimpering.

Epic's soul pounded. Dust sounded tired and dazed, but he sounded pleased. He sounded pleased and grateful and it was for Epic. Epic felt his vision pulsing as he laid on the ground, everything about the situation finally bubbling up and overwhelming him. He promptly passed out. Dust stared at him.

He sighed and gave a weak scoff. He leaned down and pressed his teeth to Epic's forehead as he gave his hand another squeeze.

* Sweet dreams, babe.

He was still breathing heavily as he stared at him.

* I'll clean you up, get you dressed, and...

His eyes softened, along with his voice as his fingers traced the scar over Epic's eyesocket.

* I'll be here when you wake up.

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