Chapter 73 - The Rest

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Solis's View:
I sat with the others and looked down at my food. I felt...bad..but I also felt grateful. Outer didn't sleep so he could stay with me in my 'dreams'..

He was fast asleep, resting his head on Killer. I started to eat my toast.

* I'm so relieved we get a week off till the school approves that we've moved.

Luna stretched, smiling. Slash and I was pretty relieving to be honest. When we finished, the twins and I were in charge of cleaning up. I washed the dishes, Hope dried them, and Bloom brought the dishes and cleared the living room and took out the trash.

* Are you excited to join our school?

* Yeah...are the students there nice..?

* Oh yeah, most of them are monsters but the humans are lovely. 😁


We continued talking and cleaning. When we finished, I was making my way back to my room when Bloom called out for me.

* Solis, wait!-

I stopped and turned to face her.

* I was wondering...would you like to go on a walk with me? I'm going one of the secret areas of the timeline, it's really pretty. 🙂

* Um..are you sure?..

* Yeah! Usually I want Hope to come with me...but he's very...chatty, it's a really peaceful area..

I liked peaceful...

* Sure..I don't mind..when do we go?

* Half an hour's time?

I nodded, seeing her smile. I went into my room and closed the door behind me before going to my en suite. I rolled up my sleeves and got out some wipes to use for cleaning. It hurt was necessary.

Dream's View:
* You really don't remember their names..?

Nope, it was a one time thing. All I remember was that there were monsters and humans.

* A lot of people..?

Maybe twenty or so.

* Why did you leave the group?

Like Flail said, the children.

* Sure. There's something you're not telling me.

Pretty sure I've told you everything.

* You know we can go into each other's memories, right?

...wait what-

Shattered's Memories:
Shattered made sure the drugs had fully settled into Dream so he was in a deep sleep so he could leave the house. It was only a twenty minute drive fortunately. Once he arrived, he parked and went inside the private building.

"Took your time, S."

* I had to give Dream a lil something to fall asleep. Have you all been watching the others?

* Of course we have.

Shattered took a bottle of beer and a cigar.

* Out of the three goodies, which one could we destroy in the long run?

* Ink maybe, his memory is slowly deteriorating after all.

"Error helps him remember though."

"Well Dream is already in your hands."

Shattered nodded.

* How about Blue? We know a way to separate him and Nightmare.

"Once them two are mad, the rest of the family breaks with them."

Shattered nodded, satisfied.

* We just have to do it at the right time. Dream is weakened, we can get Ink weakened, then Blue has no strong support system to go to. Getting the rest of the family will be easy.

Dream's View:
You fucking b-

* want to break Blue and Night up? Shattered I don't think you understand how strong their relationships is.

That's hard to believe when Blue still feels salty under Nightmare still not telling him why he needing the stones of Ida.

* I'm going to warn them-

You will do no such thing.

* Stop me.

I got out of bed and teleport to their room before knocking on their door.

* Blue? Night?

I couldn't hear anything so I slowly opened the door. Blue was in there alone, reading. He had his headphones on. I flicked the lights a little and Blue looked up, removing them.

* Oh hey Dream, is everything okay?

* Yeah. How are you and Night?

* We're fine, why?

* Did you guys end up talking about the stones..?

His aura changed.

* No.

* The gang Flail talked about, Shattered was part of it, their plan was to-

I may be an inferior part of you, but like I said, I have more control than you think.

He needs to know.

You think I want the family all united?

It's not your choice. You have no reason to be revengeful.

* Dream?

* Sorry, Shattered's being a lain on my...anyways- their primary plan was to break up the family.

Dream, I said stop.


* But why?

* Revenge, greed, I dunno. But they knew the easiest way to do that was to break up the bond between the main relative of this family.

Dream I swear to-

Like I said Shattered, try to stop me.

I rubbed my head as I got put the device.


You need some time to calm down.

I injected it into my thigh and massaged the area.

* You and Nightmare. They're targeting you and Night. Flail made it sound like Night wanted those stones for bad, but we don't know that for sure.

* What else would it be Dream? He thought I had other...relations and it probably made him wanna destroy us at all costs.

* I think there's something we're missing.

* Dream I understand that he's your brother, so you don't want to see it that way, but what other explanation is there?

* I wanted you to fall in love with me.

We turned our heads to see Nightmare near the door. He was holding Navy's hand. They walked to the bed wih us and Blue carried Navy and settled him on the bed as Night sat down.

* After that video, I assumed you didn't have the same feelings I did. I..I was crazy for you Blueberry..

I couldn't help but smile a little.

* So I thought if I could find the stones, I could get you to see we belonged together...

Blue immediately hugged Night.

* You're such an arsehole, Nighty...

* I know, I'm sorry for my irrational behaviour.

* It's okay, my lovely man. ❤️

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