Chapter 63 - The Protector

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Ink's Past:
As Ink spent the last few months preparing for the critical academic exam that would determine his eligibility as the multiverse's protector, a flicker of light entered his life in the form of a new friend, Flail.

Flail, an outgoing and empathetic classmate, became Ink's refuge from the storm that raged within his home. Their friendship blossomed as they shared dreams, fears, and laughter, providing Ink with a respite from the harsh realities of his daily life. Flail's warmth became a beacon of hope, a stark contrast to the cold environment Ink faced at home.

One fateful afternoon, as Ink returned from school, his brother's eyes narrowed at the sight of the genuine smile on his face.

* What's this? Making friends instead of focusing on your responsibilities?

His brother sneered, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Ink hesitated, glancing toward the ground.

* F-Flail's just a friend. I need someone to talk to sometimes...

* A friend won't make you the protector,

His brother retorted, shoving him against the wall,

* You're wasting time on useless distractions.

The verbal vomit continued, escalating to physical violence. Ink, bearing the brunt of his brother's anger, stood resilient. He felt a newfound strength fueled by the knowledge that he wasn't alone, that there was someone outside these walls who saw him as more than a burden.

Forced to complete chores and study, Ink's exhaustion reached new heights. As the night descended, his brother handed him a thin blanket and ordered him to sleep outside in the freezing snow. The chilling winds bit into Ink's bones as he lay on the frigid ground, his shivers masked by the darkness.

Morning brought no reprieve. Ink, now weakened and suffering from a cold, changed his damp clothes and received nothing more than an orange for breakfast. The journey to school was a struggle, his body aching and feverish.

By his second lesson, Ink's fever had spiked, and his teachers, noticing his deteriorating condition, expressed concern. The school nurse intervened, ushering him to her office. She made a call to his brother, detailing Ink's illness.

Ink's brother, arriving at the school late and inebriated, was met with the disapproval of the teacher.

'Your brother is seriously ill. You need to take him home...he needs bed rest and shouldn't come into school tomorrow..'

* You're sure he's not just making excuses?

The nurse, firm in her resolve, confronted him.

'This is not an excuse! He needs proper care.'

* No problem, I'll take him.

His brother grumbled, barely acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

As Ink was escorted home, his brother's anger intensified.

* You embarrass me with your weakness.

He spat, delivering another round of blows.

Ink, shivering and weak, managed to utter.

* I just need to r-rest...please...

Flail, unaware of the depths of Ink's torment, waited at school, concerned about his friend's absence. When news of Ink's worsening condition reached the school, Flail's worry deepened.

He decided to visit Ink's home, hoping to understand the situation better. Upon arriving, the door seemed to be already unlocked. Flail was greeted by the harsh reality of Ink's living conditions. Witnessing the brutality of Ink's brother, Flail immediately confronted him, demanding an end to the cycle of abuse.

In the small living room, Flail's voice rose, challenging the older brother's authority.

* This ends now. You can't treat him like this!

Ink's brother, momentarily taken aback, lashed out verbally.

* Stay out of this. He's my responsibility, NOT yours.

* He's a person, not your property.

Flail retorted, unwavering.

* Ink, tell him you're fine and he shouldn't go anywhere near you ever again.

Ink looked at Flail, emotionless.

* I'm f-fine...just stay away from m-me..

Ink couldn't look at him anymore...


Ink's View:
I knocked on Dream's door and opened the door. It was nice to see him awake and well.

* Heyyyyyyy! Nice to see you finally awake, how do ya feel?

* Heh, better than before thanks Ink. How's little Jammy and Palette?

* They're both doing wonderful. Plus, Error and I's relationship has improved tremendously.

* I'm so happy for you Ink!

* Thanks. How's Shattered doing? Still being an annoying little prick?

* Well he hasn't spoken since I've woken up so I'm not too sure...

* Well it's better that way, right?

Dream nodded. StarCross was asleep in a crib right next to Dream and he could barely take his eyes off him. That was understandable considering how long he hadn't been able to take care of him.

I understood that feeling of not being able to take care of your baby. Then all of a sudden, you can.

It was a happy, but very overwhelming and stressful feeling.

I picked Star up for Dream and sat down on his bed. He sat up too so he could coo his adorable son.

* He may be only a few months old, but he has so much energy. 😊

* I know, it makes me so joyful..

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