Chapter 84 - The Separation

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Hope's View:
I finally fell asleep...

* ..Hope?

I turned around in my dream and saw Bloom.

...was it even real?

* I'm-

* Don't say anything. Your apologies mean nothing to me, Bloom.

She held my hand, the rain starting to pour. I couldn't feel the connection we already had. My soul couldn't take the fact that she chose him over us.

(Insert song from the top, hehe)

* We grow up so very close...

Hope, mama said we can bake!


All gone.

I turned around and saw her, Shattered not too far behind.

* A parasite needs a host.

I let go of her.

* I'm only trying to do what is best for us-

* Well I never asked for this, I never wanted this. All that I want is some time to myself.

I looked at her.

* Looking in your eyes, I'm coming home...

I flicked her off.

* Just get away from me-

* W-

* Please just stop touching me. You're always trying to be somebody else.

* Now I realise I'm not alone...

* Well, you're only scared of me.

Bloom's View:
No I wasn't-

* But you never cared for me!

* Why don't you let me free?

* 'cause you'd never dare to be.

* You never listen-

* You're always insisting-

* Just stop reminiscing-
* I'm just reminiscing-

* I feel something missing-
* I feel something missing-

* I just want my privacy-
* I just want you here with me-

* God won't you leave me alone?!
* God can we just get along??


Hope broke me from his dream...I woke up. There was a knock on the door and Shay came in.

* You okay?

* I've made a mistake..

* What do you mean?

* This...all this was a crappy idea. Hope was right, what was I thinking?!

It wasn't a bad idea.

* You're just shaken a little, just calm down.

* I'm not shaken, I'm-

We're going ahead with this. You think they all wanna see you right now? After what just went down? Keep your chin up and don't give up. This will end in your benefit, then the family will understand you're doing this for them.

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