Chapter 42 - The Demand

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Dream's View:
* Solis you don't have to do this!

* What can you offer me that's worth it, hm?

* Nothing I have would satisfy you, please, if you only have a mindset of revenge, you'll end up all alone!

* I'll still have Solis, putting him through torture. That'll be fun..

He looked down and started to figure out what the buttons did.

Jesus- what happened?!

Solis. We need to get out of this..cell.

I'll see what I can do.

Thank goodness Shattered could move through objects with reflections.

* You know, none of this would've happened if you'd saved our sister.

* If I could've, I would've. But at the time, a lot more than you think was going on-

* Sure, whatever. At least you have your family, ALIVE AND WELL. And you have more on the way, but do you result deserve that?!

I laid my hand on my tummy.

* You're not hurting my baby.

* We'll see about that.

He pressed a button and my legs were locked in place.

[Pain tolerance: Test 1, subject 134, chemical burns.]

My eyes widened and all he could do was smirk and grin.

[Severity increase: every five minutes.]

* Have fun~!

* Solis wait-

He teleported off as soon as the door opened. Gaster and Bete were surprised to see me.


* He reset the password to open it, the...the chemical test thing is gonna start! P-Please stop it-

[Start of test in: five minutes.]

* How did he get free?!

* His other side was in my head- it doesn't matter right now! Please get me out of here!!

The panic.
The horror.

"We can slow it down but until we get that new password, we can't stop it. Gaster I'm gonna contact Sci and Amelia."

* Sure, don't tell anybody else what's happening. I'll use magic to make sure they don't get in.

She teleported off, leaving Gaster and I alone in the lab.

* B-Be honest with me, will this hurt my baby?

* It'll hurt you, that's for sure. So it may hurt your baby. There's 60466176 options as to what the code could be, five digits, can be a combination of letters and numbers. I've tried their names, didn't work.

* Their names..?

* It's not Solis's alter ego, it's another skeleton possessing him; his name is Flail.

* Ask Ink, he knows them the best.

"That's not necessarily true, the last clue given mentioned Reaper."

Sci and Amelia came through Bete's portal.

"Are you okay Dream?!"

* Could be Cross okay? He needs to know I'm safe.

"I used magic to make it look like you're asleep. He's okay."

[Start of test in: one minute.]

Sci went to get Ink and Bete went to get Reaper. Amelia stood in front of my capsule, so she was eye to eye with me.

"Close your eyes. Think about a painful time you've overcome. Don't focus on the present time."

I closed me eyes and took a deep breath as I felt my arms get secured in place.

Just relax...

(Opposite Blue - Chapter 8)

My soul was so tired and weak, the negativity had gotten the best of me. I gave up on screaming. I was in such bad conditions that it would probably be having a toll on Nightmare now.

I was such a horrible brother.

I looked up to see Shattered walking towards me.

* We should really dispose of you, all your yelling, whining, and begging has given me a damn headache.

He grabbed my soul, clenching it, and pulled me across the ground. I didn't even have the voice to complain or ask for mercy. He placed it in some sort of...device. Everything went fuzzy before I realised I was falling, and falling fast. Had he just...taking over my soul, leaving my body to break away?! I didn't even have the energy to look around. I fell into water and continue to sink.

(Opposite Blue - Chapter 25)

I locked the kitchen door as I heard Shattered arriving home.

He was drunk.

He had been drinking like this for over two months now, and the bruises he had given me were painful. It's not as if I could run, my tummy has grown a lot. I couldn't teleport or use magic, no matter how hard I tried he would find me.

I couldn't even go outside.

[Dream open the door.]

My heart stopped.

* Y-You're going to hurt me.

He banged on the door this time.

[Don't make me repeat myself.]

He had made all the walls and doors magic suppressant so even he couldn't get in by teleportation. He banged on the door even louder, he was angry...and very much drunk.

* You've b-been drinking all m-morning! You c-can come in o-once you're c-clean.

Shattered stopped knocking; I sighed in relief. I stayed at the door to listen to footsteps, but there were none. Suddenly, there was a hand on my mouth and tummy.

H-How had he gotten in!?!?

He was holding a cloth...I started to get lightheaded...everything felt numb...everything was leaving my mind...

Let go...

"Dream, Dream don't focus on the pain, put your consciousness somewhere else."

* T-Too hot..

"Put yourself somewhere else."

Think of somewhere more positive..

(Opposite Blue - Chapter 36)

Amelia smiled and she held the baby's head in her hand.

"One more push, okay?" Amelia said.

I held Cross's hand again as I pushed as hard as I could, screaming. Before you knew it, the sound of a baby's cry was heard and I burst into tears of happiness. Amelia and Nightmare went around the baby, cleaning him up. I held him in my arms. He held onto Cross's finger tightly and he could help but shed a few tears.

You're gonna get thought it for them, okay?

For them...

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