Chapter 8 - The Control

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One Week Later...


Ink's View:
I finally got a day where I could wake up later. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. Nowadays, with no emotions running through me, sleeping was boring and I was much more willing to get outta bed. I took my medication before going downstairs. Gaster was cooking breakfast and this time, Bete was helping him. I sat down and watched them getting along like Father and daughter.

* Here, use the stool.


They were smiling, enjoying themselves. I remembered the times when Error was the fathers of the family baked with their children for Mother's Day. Error and Jammy tried their best.

"Can we dish the food out now?"

* Sure.

Gaster dished Bete's food out for her before giving me mine.


And apple juice, that was something I guess.

* Be down at the lab in half an hour.

* Okay.

I ate and washed the dishes as usual. Opening the kitchen door, I suddenly felt a wave of sadness fall over me.

We're...we're alone...

Was Gaster controlling my emotion? I walked down into the basement lab and looked at the controller in his hand before closing the door behind me.

This is torture...we should just give up..
There's no way out...
A-And by the time we get out..we would've been forgotten..-

* I've said your name three times Ink. Wipe your tears, I was trying something out.

I took a tissue and wiped my tears, I didn't even realise I was crying. I felt the sadness disappear.

Dream's View:
We finished packing our suitcases and put them in the plane. I decided I'd go with everyone else back home instead of teleporting. After all, I wasn't pregnant, so it would be okay. Once everyone was on the plane, it started up and before we knew it, we were in the air.

Did I feel extremely nauseous? Oh yes. But it was worth it.

Nothing it worth it Dream, be honest with yourself.

One day, karma will bite you in the ass.

And I'll be there like your fucking shadow, tormenting you everyday until you give me my life ba-

I turned away from the others before stabbing the pen into my ecto again. His voice was more annoying than didn't really upset or scare me anymore. Whether is all in my head or really part of me, I didn't know anymore. But at least this medication was regulating it. I put the device in my pocket before Cross could see. I didn't want to worry him.

* You okay?

* Yeah, just a little nauseous. I'm gonna go sit towards the front of the plane.

* Alright, tell anyone near you if you're feeling too unwell.

I nodded and Cross used magic to teleport me to one of the seats at the front of the plane. Sci and Amelia were there too, doing research or something.

* Hey Dream! You okay?

* Yeah, I thought sitting at the front of the plane would help the nausea.

I put my headphones on and closed my eyes as the music played.

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