Chapter 69 - The Connections

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Blue's View:
I heard the door open and Nightmare entered, husbeyes glowing.

* Nightm-

* I want a list of everybody in that gang.

* And you wanted those crystals to destroy the very person you love, your brother, and a stupid creator. Guess we can't always get what we want.

* You're sick in the head.

* Am I really? In comparison to what your brother and Lust did, I think I'm fine. Ask your wonderful boyfriend why he needed the crystals.

* I'm not mad at him, we were enemies back then.

* Really? I know the events in order too well. Nightmare had sent you back to your brothers when he came to destroy my timeline.

Opposite Blue:
I blinked and realised I was at the front door. Wasn't I in the garden a few minutes ago? Cross opened the door, looking rather angry.

* Are you alright Cross?
He glared at me. He grabbed me firmly, taking me to Nightmare's office.

I was left alone with him.

* everything okay?

No reply..

Instead, he set his phone in front of me and a video began to play. My eyes widened...this couldn't be real.

* W-What?! Who sent you this, this never happened!

* Don't lie to me, Blue.

* This never happened N-

He banged his fist on the table and I took a step back in fear.

* I helped as much as I could and you go out and do THIS? I thought my day couldn't get any worse.

* Nightmare-

* Get out.

I froze. He wanted me...gone? I tried to explain that it wasn't real but he refused to listen.

I had nowhere to go.

Nightmare's View:
Blue looked at me before looking back at Flail.

* Give me the names before I get Gaster to end your pathetic excuse of a life.

* You think I'm scared of death? It's your fault this resistance team was made in the first place. You ended timeliness for pathetic reasons...we simply want justice.

* Solis deserve justice, YOU do not.

* The second I'm out of here I'll make sure he sees me make you all suffer again and again and again, I don't care about him.

Gaster entered the room and I updated him on what had been said.

* I can get the names out of him, don't worry. We've used the truth serum on Ink many times, no difference here.

Bete went to the cupboard and took the golden serum out before giving it to Gaster. He pressed a few buttons and I watched as a golden smoke filled Flail's capsule. He coughed and tried not to inhale it but it was no use.

* Ask away, you two.

Blue asked for the names.

* I won't- ngh...I REFUSE-

"What are the name of the rest of your resistance gang."

His eyes started watering and he glared at me.


Before I could ask him the question again he-

One week later...


Dream's View:
I dropped the children off at their schools before driving to the supermarket with Blue. We followed our incredibly long shopping list and walked and talked as we chose out the groceries.

* Hey, did Ink tell you about his doctor's report?

Blue nodded.

* It brought him closure, I'm happy for him...although it does scare me because I looked online, you know people have died from LGS just by sleeping??

* Yeah, very true...he's on medication for it though, so I guess that's good.

* I doubt he'll take it as often as he's supposed to.

* Let's hope he does, if anything happens to him, I don't think little Jammy could take it anymore..

We paid for the shopping and took it to the car before driving off.

* How are you and Nightmare? He was asking me for advice the other day.

* Advice..? For?

* He told me about Flail and what he did last week, he feels you've distanced yourself a bit..

* Well he knows why I'm a bit annoyed with him.

* Mm, have you talked to him about it?

He shook his head no.

* He won't tell me the true reason why he needed those crystals. Flail said it was to destroy us but he won't talk about it.

* Hmmm..maybe talk to Amelia and Ellie? They could tell you what the crystals can do.

* True...but he might get upset that I'm not talking to him about it.

* It's for good reason though. Maybe go with Night and ask them?

Blue nodded, getting out his phone to text Amelia, Ellie, and Night.

Solis's View:
'Solis, what answer did you get for Question 5, please?'

I looked at Miss Oak...why did she have to pick me..?

* U-Um...8ln(x)+2...

'Sorry dear, you might have to be a bit louder.' :)

Talking in front of other people was terrifying.

* 8..ln(x)..+2..

Before she could ask me to be louder again, Slash interrupted.

* So sorry Miss, Sol is losing his voice so my uncle said he should strain it too much. He said 8ln(x)+2. :)

'Oh! No worries at all, correct Solis!'

Twenty more minutes went by before the bell rang for lunch. I quickly packed my things and went to the canteen to get my food before going to my little area across the football field. I laid a blanket to sit on before slowly eating my food and reading. I heard footsteps and hesitantly looked up.

'Awww, won't you come and sit with the others?' Dylan made an odd look at me.

* I...I'm okay, thanks..

'Such a loner. Do the other monsters not wanna hang with you? How sad...'

I didn't respond to his friends, continuing to read to mentally get away from them.

'He's ignoring us, how rude.'

One of them grabbed the book out of my hand.

'Respect goes both ways, Soulless.'


* Th-That's not my name..

'You think we care? Let's see what you've got for lunch-'

* Seriously? You three idiots?

They turned around to see Luna and Slash...why were they here?

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