Chapter 78 - The Upgrade

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Bloom's View:
I quickly dashed out of my room and ran to the training fields.

* Dad! Hope!!

They turned and saw me, out of breath.

* I...I want to fight Hope, this time I promise I'll prove to you that I'm ready!

* Bloomy we talked about this-

* If I don't win, I'll never ask again. I promise.

I heard Hope sighed in frustration.

* You can watch us Father, I've had enough of this.

He nodded hesitantly, saying see if mother was awake to see this. I closed my eyes and focused, feeling my tentacles come out.

* Heh, you really wanna win, huh.

* You better believe it.

Mother and Father returned.

No One's View;
In the center of the vast field, Hope and Bloom stood facing each other, their eyes locked in determination. The air crackled with energy as they prepared for their duel, each confident in their abilities.

Hope summoned his magical weapon, a shimmering sword of light, while Bloom conjured swirling tendrils of energy, ready to strike.

The battle began with a flurry of magical blasts and agile combat maneuvers. Hope and Bloom moved with grace and precision, each matching the other blow for blow.

But as the fight progressed, Hope seemed to gain the upper hand. His attacks were more powerful, his movements more fluid. Bloom struggled to keep up, her defenses faltering under the relentless battle.

* Sis just-


Unbeknownst to Hope, Bloom tapped into her new hidden ability, delving into his mind and sowing seeds of doubt and confusion. As Hope pressed his advantage, believing victory was within his grasp, Bloom seized her moment.

Not this time, brother.

Locking eyes with Hope, Bloom unleashed a powerful blast of magic, sending him hurtling through the air until he crashed against a sturdy tree with a resounding thud.

The impact left Hope dazed, his magical weapon slipping from his grasp as pain spread across his bruised back. Meanwhile, Bloom stood victorious, her chest heaving with exertion but her resolve unbroken.

Watching from the sidelines, Cross and Dream exchanged worried glances. Despite Bloom's victory, they couldn't shake the unease crawling at their souls.

* I won...I actually won..!

Dream's View:
Bloom smiled. I was happy for her but...she'd hurt her own brother and didn't look remorseful.

* Bloom!

Cross went to talk to Bloom as I went to help Hope.

* Are you alright dear..?

He cringed in pain as he tried to move.

* She..mmph...

* Save your energy so I can heal you.

I started healing his injuries.


* Bloom you've watched us train so many times, have you ever seen us go this far??

* Does that matter?! I wasn't 'training', this was a BATTLE. You've trained Hope for almost 5 years now, since we were 10, and I BEAT HIM!

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