Chapter 13 - The Truths

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Ink's View:
I went down to Jammy's level and looked at the picture he'd drawn.

It''s us...
All of us...
Oh Jammy...

Jammy pointed at my eyes.


* Oh no, I'm not sad Jammy, I'm proud of what you've drawn. 💕

* He spent all week on it.

I sat down.

* It looks amazing...

Jammy pointed at his drawing of Error, and then pointed to him. Then Palette, then me, then himself.

* But he drew someone else yesterday, I thought'd know who it was.

* Maybe? Let's see Jamster, what'd you draw?

Jammy got out his second drawing and I looked at it...

You're worthless, YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?


* Ink?

You make me want to kill you.


Maybe if I kill you, someone worthy will become protector. They won't choose you anyways.

* That' brother...

* Isn't he dead-?

* Yes.

* That's not good...

* Wait, why?

Error got his phone out and showed me a picture.

* I could've been mistaken but that looks a lot like him.

He can't be alive.
If he's alive, then he has an ally.
He's back for us.
We're protected here, right?

* Hopefully it's just a lookalike...

* Mhm. You never told me what happened between you and him but if for whatever reason he comes to the house, what do I say?

* Tell him you're job is getting rid of anomalies like himself.

* Heh, sure.

I looked at Palette as he started to cry.

* Is he on formula yet?

* Surprisingly no. Still on your milk, it's about a third through.

* Oh ok, that's not too bad. 😅

* Yeah, his eating patterns are way better than Jammy's.

* I'm not surprised, Jammy always had a-

Jammy tapped the glass.

* Yes my love?

He pointed at the drawing of my brother again then at me and smiled.

* Me? What about me Jams?

* Hero.

We all froze.

I'm so proud of him I'm already crying!
It's one word, you're so emotional-
This is a special moment, he said something!
This MEANS something-!

* ...What did you say, Jammy?

Error had his phone out immediately, recording.

* Who am I Jammy? Besides your mother of course...

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