Chapter 85 - The Combination

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Hope's View:
She opened the door and Solis's face immediately changed. His eyes started to water as Rose entered, hugging him tightly.

* W-Where were you..I wanna go home..

"I know...this is all confusing..."

She sat down besides him.

* Nice to meet you. :)

"Nice to meet you too. I can't stay for long, but I'll stay until we can get my brother's memory back and your sister back safe and sound." She gave Solis another hug.

* W-What about Flail..?

"My dear brother..Flail is not a good man. He turned his back on us.."

* W-Wait...but how??

"I asked myself that too, after everything we'd been through..but that's okay, we've got each other."

Ellie came into the room with Amelia's spell book.

"You're 100% sure you know who the last witch is?"

"Yup! D'you remember August?"

* August...from the orphanage?

"Mhm! We knew we had a connected, but we didn't know why. She had chaos magic just like me."

Rose was about to leave the room with Amelia and Ellie when Solis called out for her.

* R-Rose!-

She turned back around to face us.

* I-If you f-find Flail...l-let me talk to him!

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Sol..."

* Why?

"I'll talk to you after I get August, okay?"

He nodded before she closed the door.

* I should..I should get up and help them..with whatever is g-going on..

* You should rest Solis, you've been through a lot. 😅

He shook his head before standing up from his bed.

Ink's Past:
Dream clapped his hands in Ink's face for the seventh time, finally getting Ink out of He always seemed to do this and he would snap out confused, forgetting and remembering certain things.

* Ink?

* Oh- sorry..

* No worries, I checked my calender and saw it's almost your birthday! What would you like to do for it?

* My...birthday? Dream we have mission on that day. 😅

* If we get them done in the morning, the day is all yours! C'mon, you deserve the day off!

* I'll think about it...

Delight's View:
Harmony entered the house with me and I turned on the security system. Ever since Flail, we made sure to be extra safe for a whole. And with a potential threat in the timeline, I was 'overly' cautious. So much so that I slept on a folding bed in Harmony's room.

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