Chapter 33 - The Dark

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Cross's View:
Sci pulled up Dream's files.

* He told me not to tell anyone but if this'll help you guys stop having such a grudge these days then sure.

He opened to a page and gave me Dream's brain waves.

* When it looks like he's talking to nobody, he's talking to Shattered.

He brought up a duplicate of that weird device Dream carried around.

* I made this device for him so when it got too bad the medication would silent the voice.

* you think he's really hearing Shattered?

Sci nodded.

* Whether it's truly Shattered tormenting him or insanity, he's suffering without telling anyone..he didn't want to worry anybody.

I sighed, sitting down with Sci.

* He keeps on hiding things...but he knows I would never judge him.

* He wants to protect you from the stress.

* So you think that baby is mine..?

Sci nodded.

* I can do the test in two months if that'll bring you closure.

* There's no other test-?

* I mean sure there's one, but it's invasive and pretty painful.

* I don't want to put him through any pain...I should probably go, he was talking to himself before I left, he seemed upset..I owe him an apology.

Sci smiled before I teleported back to my room. I knocked on the en suite door.

* Dream..? Dream are you still in there..?

I heard sniffing before he responded with a quiet yes.

* I'm sorry about what I said...can I tp in?

* Ok...

I teleported into the en suite. Dream was sitting on the floor, the device next to him. I sat next to him, letting him rest his head on my shoulder. I clicked my fingers and a blanket covered us both from top to bottom.

This would always calm him down in the past.

* Whether this baby is mine or not...I will always love the children you make..

* But this is your baby...why are you letting a stalker change your mind..?

* I don't know...

Dream went silent before holding my hand tightly. We stayed like this until he fell asleep; I carried him to bed and went downstairs for breakfast.

* Morning Cross!

Blue smiled, everyone else digging into their food.

* Good morning. :)

* Where's Dream?

* Still asleep. 😅

I dished out my food and ate with the others. It felt weird not having Dream here. This was his second time since living here permanently that he hadn't come down to have breakfast.

Ink's Past:
Ink smiled as the parents and students looking at his science project smiled and gave great compliments.

He actually has a good chance of winning best project.

And sure, he couldn't feel happy or excited but he was sure his brother would be.

'Let's see what we have here~ a load of junk.'

Ink frowned when he say the group of bullies approach his stand. The boys looked at one another before looking back to at Ink, smirking. One came up to Ink and whispered something in his ear.

* W-wait, really..?!

'Yeah buddy, you should persuade him to come inside.'

Ink nodded and went out the hall and went down the hallway towards the front of the school. He saw his brother outside smoking when one of the boys grabbed him and forced him into the boy's toilets.

* H-Hey!-

'Shut up.'

'Did you bring it?'

'Of course I did. How much is his bro paying us?'

'A hundred each, so hurry up.'

Ink's eyes widened when he saw one of them take out a bottle with a danger sign on it.

* W-Wait- what are you doing-?!

'Your brother wants you to be normal. We're simply curing you, buddy.'

* I..I d-don't want to be cured! P-Please let me go-

'Brother's orders, Ink.'

Ink closed his eyes and tried to focus on teleporting.

'He's trying to use magic, use the thing his brother gave us!'

'Okay, okay!-'

They quickly attached the sticker to Ink's face and watched as he opened his eyes suddenly as soon as he realised he couldn't feel his magic.

'Open up, Ink.'

Ink turned his head, trying to push the boys away.

'Hold him down!'


They forced him to be still before grabbing his face to keep it still. Ink looked at the cup of unknown solution and his eyes widened.

He couldn't fight them off.
He couldn't argue against them.
He couldn't even yell.

So what was the point of fighting back..?

'That's it...just be calm...'

Ink breathing slowed down as the cup got closer and closer to him. He wanted to cry, or feel something, but couldn't.

'You'll thank us soon buddy.'

Ink closed his eyes as he was forced to drink the solution before being dropped to the floor.

'Take a pic, then we can go get that sweet money.'

Ink felt a tingling sensation down his spine; he started to go numb, his mind going blank.

His brother sat on a bench outside the school, smoking. The front gates opened and the bullies came out, like nothing had happened.

* Did what I asked?

'Duh, he's in the bathroom. Probably won't get seen till nine or ten.'

The boys were given their rewards and they went home happily.

"And the best project goes to...Ink!"

Everyone clapped and smiled as they waited for Ink to come to the front...but he never came.


People started to quiet down, where was Ink? Didn't he want his reward? When they realised he wasn't in the hall, the teachers started to look for him.

How much time before they found him?

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