Chapter 11 - The Little

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One week later...

Ink's View:
I looked at Palette as Error fed him, he was so cute! I wanted so badly to hold him, but just being near him was more than enough.

* Jamster, you're half way done with your food, finish the other half, okay?

Jammy looked at Error awkwardly before continuing to watch his iPad. Error continued to bottle feed Palette. During my pregnancy, I froze as much milk as I could produce, and it was worth it. Although at some point it would make sense if Error had to use formula.


I followed them to the doctors as Jammy had an appointment with his doctor. Dream was nice enough to go with them.

'So, how's he doing?' His doctor loaded his files onto his computer.

* Same as usual, it's just the eating habits really, and the lack of speech of course.

'Did you and Ink talk about the testing at all?'

* Not really, no..

Dream looked over at Error.

* I think Error wants to go ahead with the testing, but Ink doesn't.

'Ah, gotcha. It only takes one parent to consent in reality. If it ends up he is, this hospital offers so many support paths for children and he won't be seen any differently to now, we can assure you that.'

Error talked to Dream as the doctor checked Jammy's responses to little things like offering a lollipop, high fives, being told to sit down...the little things.

* I want him to be tested.

When I heard those words, I wanted to be upset, angry even...but I didn't have my vials. Error didn't even know I was there.

Dream's phone started to ring.

* Excuse me, this might be important. 😅

Dream's View:
I stepped out of the room to take my phone call.

* Night? What's up?

* Bete and Gaster went to Outer and Killer, then Dust and Epic, and apparently Ink escaped. Do you know anything about this?

* No, wait Ink escaped?

* Mhm, about a week ago.

* I'll see what I can do, I know Ink's hiding places, they think it's us when-

"It's not?~"

I felt her scythe touch my back.

* You don't want to do this, the partner of the very person you took from us in that room.

"No point of saying that, little light, you guys took him back after all..."

* No we d-

* We've heard the same response all week. I suggest you be honest with us.

I looked at Gaster, who was trying to be intimidating.

* If you'd like, you can always search my mind like you once did without my permission.

"Oh we can do so much more...😈"

Nightmare's View:
I quickly teleported to the hospital and looked for Dream. I opened the door to the room Error was in and they awkwardly looked at me.

'Long time no see Nightmare! How are you and the family?'

* We're doing well, thanks. Where's Dream?

* He took a step out to take a call.

* Yeah that was me calling you idiot, Bete and Gaster are back, they've lost y'know who.

I went to look around the hospital but I couldn't even feel Dream nearby. I tried his phone again and there was no response, but there was a ping.
An abandoned house-

Dust's View:
I received Nightmare's text and teleported to his location.

* Dream's in there?

* Mhm, but it could be a-


* A what?

I...I C-CAN'T!!

* Night?

I used my tentacles so smash the door down and everything was dark and dusty.

* There's nothing here...

* He's definitely here.

We checked upstairs but there was nothing.


* Boss I found a basement door!

We rushed down the stairs and Dream's screaming and yelling got louder.

Your hand is always in your pocket these days, why?

Let's just say...I need to be prepared.

Prepared for what?

The worst.

We opened a few more doors and saw Dream tied to a chair as Bete stared into his eyes and Gaster used magic on him.

I knew that feeling.

Dust immediately blasted them across the room and I untied Dream.

* Hey, breathe. You need to breathe.

He was hyperventilating as Dust started to fight the two bastards.

* H-He's-

Dream grabbed my arm, trying to breathe.

* Dream, you need to calm down!

The worst?

Yeah, y'know...the worst. Heh.

I reached into his pocket and found some sort of pen. A device.

* I-Inject it..- leg..-

Dream fell to the floor, wheezing. His eyes were darkening and that was massively concerning. I used the device like an epi-pen and stabbed it into Dream's thigh. He gasped and finally caught his breath; his eyes returned to normal.

* Massage the area, we'll talk about this later.

I assisted Dust in the fight until the two teleported.

Dream's View:
I forced myself to teleport home and I dropped to the floor, bursting into tears.

It was so close...
It was like my soul...was in his hand...
He was right there, right FUCKING there...

I felt a hand around me, pulling me into a hug.

You're okay...

No, I'm not okay. It's my fault I get haunted by him...

You're okay Dream, take some deep breaths.

It won't change anything.

* I'm here for you...we're all here for you.


I hugged Outer back, trying to calm down. We were on my bedroom floor...Killer there too. Noir's little hand tapped my lap.

* Booboo...?

* Much worst than that buddy, but we gotta support your uncle Dream, 'kay?

They stayed with me until Cross returned from his mission.

* We were giving him comfort till you were able to get back bro.

* Thanks Killer, thank you Outer.

* Of course. :)

They left the room and Cross teleported me onto the bed. He cuddled me into his arms and didn't let go. We stayed like that until I peace...calm enough to fall asleep in peace.

* I don't know how long I can hold him off...

* We'll get through this..


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