Chapter 41 - The Cost

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Cross's View:
I knocked on the door and waited for Dream's response.

* Come in..!

I opened the door and went in with Dream's dinner on a bed tray.

* How are you feeling..?

* I'm okay...

I gave Dream his food and he thanked me before sitting up from laying down to eat. I sat down besides him and turned on the TV and dimmed the lights.

* And the baby?

* Fine.

His tone of voice was concerning. He hadn't talked to anyone since he'd woke up after the event.

* ...are you sure? You don't sound fine-

Dream stopped eating and dropped his spoon before bellowing:

* And who's fault is THAT?!

His eyelights went a darker blue before returning back to his normal gold.

* I..I'm sorry..I didn't mean to yell..

* It's okay, I know you're stressed out. Do you want to talk about it?

* Us finding out about Solis was not part of his plan. His signature move is revealing the truth...we revealed his. We made him lose his power. He wants us to lose something.

Dream turned to face me.

* And like Reaps said, I was his next target.

He rolled up his hoodie to show a magic infection, pastel blue, very slowly crawling up his belly.

* There's nothing we can do unless we give him what he wants. Sci doesn't even know what it is, he's being doing research and trying to identify it all day-!

My eyes widened.

* I'll deal with this, you need to rest and stay calm.

I teleported to the lab and Gaster and Bete were in there, Solis and Ink in two different capsules.

"What is up with people not knocking." She rolled her eyes.

* I need to talk to Solis, now.

* Son, he's asleep as you can see in his capsule.

* Don't call me son, and this is urgent!

* I'm sure he won't mind-

"Shut up Ink."

Bete pressed a button and Solis immediately woke up, cringing in slight pain.

* Is everything...okay?

* Don't act dumb with me, you KNOW what you did to Dream!

"So dramatic.."

* I-It wasn't m-me-!


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