Chapter 51 - The Story

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One week later...


Amelia's View:
"Are you two sure about this?" I questioned.

Ellie and Delilah nodded. I sighed, holding their hands.

"Let's do this."

Ink's Past:
Ink ran and hugged his father as he saw him to pick him up from school.

* How was school my little artist? :D

* I got top of the class...I got art supplies!

His father picked him up and twirled him in the air.

* I'm so proud of you! ✨

They walked home, talking about what Ink was taught that day and his father unlocked the door only to hear yelling.

Ink's brother and mother.


* Don't yell at me, you need to calm down..!


Ink looked up at his father.

* Go to your room, okay..?

Ink nodded and went to his room. The yelling soon quieted down so he assumed they had made up. He went to open his door when he heard a threatening scream.


He heard someone teleport behind him.

His parents.

His mother used magic to heal her injured arm.

* Stay here with your mother, do not leave this room.

* My love, he's gone mad, the police are on their way, let's just all stay here.

* If he finds that application, things will escalate more than they already are. We need to try.

* Is brother bad..?

* ...He's just a bit unstable my little painter, everything will be okay...

His brother's magic couldn't be sensed.
That would explain the next part.

* I think he left, I can hear the sirens.

His father opened the door-

A bullet.

Ink stayed behind his mother as the gunshot scared them both. She remained in front of Ink, facing him like a shield.

She was sobbing.

* NO! Oh my God...Inky run to the police, don't-

The sound of her strained voice when a knife pierced her soul, Ink's brother standing behind her with a sadistic grin.

* Final words, Mother?

She looked at Ink, her soul going dim.

* ...Ξεχωρίστε...για μένα...

He ripped the knife out of her and she fell to the floor.

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