Chapter 12 - The Apple

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The Next Day...


Bete's View:
I stepped out of Gaster's portal and looked at the huge tree stump.

"How will this get Ink back?"

* Well out of everyone we interrogated, Dream acted the most weird. He knows something.

"The tree is just a stump now, how do we produce an apple?"

* Magic. Very careful magic.

Dream's View:
We were having a family buffet but I knew yesterday was gonna be brought up.

* How are you feeling Dream? :)

Outer handed me a bowl of strawberries.

* Better..thank you. :)

I noticed that Luna was the only one who seemed zoned out.

* Luna, is everything alright?

* Hm? Oh yea everything's fine Mother, just thinking.

Blue has the same thought as me I assumed, but he didn't push it anymore than the question. We all finished eating and I helped Epic clean up.

* So, how are things with you and Dust?

Epic immediately blushed.

* Good! Heh...we're good..

* I heard you guys were planning on legally adopting Slash, congratulations!

* Aww thanks Dream, we're just waiting for the right time to tell Slash. 😅

* When the time is right, you'll know. :)

Ink's View:
I realised what Gaster and Bete's plan was. I couldn't let them do this. Even if that meant going back to them.

They wanted to unleash a monster.
Unleashing a monster out of a very powerful being.

I teleported to Luna and saw she was studying with Slash as usual.

* Luna, you have to let me out.

She told Slash she was going to get something from her room and teleport there.

* Ink that's not safe!

* Gaster and Bete plan to bring Shattered back. I can't let that happen.

* That...that surely can't be possible.

* They can do anything we can think of Luna, you need to let me go back.

* We care about you Ink, whatever they've done to you is only hurting you!

* I know, but my priority is protecting everyone. That's my job after all, right?

* But...

* Before you know it, they'll release me.

Luna turned into a phantom.

* Are you sure about this...?

* I'm sure.

Luna's eyes watered. She clicked her fingers and Error, Jammy and Palette appeared in her room. She used more magic to turn them into phantoms too.

* ...Ink?!

* I don't have a lot of time before I have to go back to Gaster...

Error had Palette in his hands.

* You can hold him, Ink...

Error gave me Palette and I looked into his colourful eyes.

* If I could feel right now, I'd be crying...

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