Chapter 7 - The Good

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Blue's View:
I finished changing Navy so we waited for Nightmare to get ready.

* Hey Nighty?

* Mhm?

* Did you end up having a talk with Dream?

* Kind of...we're not mad at each other anymore if that's what you mean.

I smiled hearing his response as I picked Navy up from the bed. Night put his shirt on and finally finished getting ready before we went downstairs to meet everyone and have breakfast.

Ink's View:
My eyes widened when I read through the next step of the project.

* can't be serious! I'm not agreeing to this.

"Since when your consent matter here? You're our testee, you do anything we say."

* My emotions, my choice.

* Well that's changing.

* I'm not-

"Can we just put him into the new room?"

* Y'know what? Sure. Then he'll learn to stop pissing us off.

Gaster used magic and forced me to follow him to a room I hadn't been into in the house. He opened it and when I realised what type of room it was I struggled to break from his magic.

* W-Wait don't put me in there!

He ignore my pleads and grabbed my arm, throwing me into the room. Gaster locked it behind him and I ran to the door, banging on it.



Oh no...OH NO-
Calm down...we just won't turn around...!
That's impossible...
Did the door just-

The door turned white and turned into part of the wall. I stepped back in fear.

Don't...don't forget us..

Everything was white.


I fell to the floor and covered my eyes.

* You don't like the white paint? There is nothing wrong with it.

* It scares me's make me there's nothing around...

* That's bullshit.

That irrational fear...or maybe it was rather rational...

* Brother, l-let me out, PLEASE!

* No can do. Fucking autistic piece of shit...

He left me there for hours...days at a time.

* Brother, I'm s-sorry...

Had he...had he forgotten me..?

* Let me out of here, PLEASE!

He needs to respond before I knock his Fucking teeth out.
Can't really do that when we're locked in here.
They've forgotten about us-!
NO, no they haven't!!!
Please let us out...

The voices were getting quieter and quieter...fading as I started to get waves of no emotion.

No feeling.

Outer's View:
We all went to take our foods and sat down in small mixed groups. I saw with Ellie, Horror and Cross. We dug into our breakfast and had some great conversations. Dream and Nightmare had made up and that in turn made everybody else happier, even Error. Killer took Noir this time which gave me a little break finally.

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