Chapter 22 - The Hidden

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Luna heard the clock, ticking slowly. She weakly put her thumb up, as her eyes started to flutter.

She gasped as soon as the cloth was removed, coughing violently.

'Go on then.'

* I-It's buried near the t-tree of f-feelings...

'You're lying.'

* Y-You can check for yourself...

'Oh we have.'


He grabbed the cattle prod on the table.

'I'll give you one last change, Luna.'

* A-Another's in another timeline...

'Which one.'

* I r-really don't know I just-

He put the prod back on the table and forced her to the ground, wrapping duct tape around her mouth.

'You've exhausted my patience.'

She couldn't even scream.
Couldn't stop every shock that pierced through her body.
And again.

'Even if I get caught, if you tell even a soul what I've asked or told you, I'll get someone to make you suffer, and kill you in the most painful way possible.'

And it didn't only happen one night...every single night until they were found. Any time she couldn't answer a question. The severity only got worst but Luna had been raised up to be as resilient as possible...

And even after it all, she had to act strong for Slash...and later Lux. She didn't want to make them feel any worse than they did. She didn't even cry...or talk about it with anyone. Not Sci, not Blue, not Nightmare, not even Dream himself. She didn't want to worry anybody anymore...

Bloom's View:
Luna glared at Slash.

* Easy? EASY?

Luna's voice increased in volume. Everybody else in the room started to look our way.

* Uh...guys-

* Yes, did you get STABBED five times in a row and left in PAIN FOR DAYS? I DON'T THINK SO. I protected you and you can't even UNDERSTAND-

* You're acting as if we were in luxurious rooms, living our BEST LIVES WHILST YOU SUFFERED.



* That's enough from the both of you!

Outer stepped in front of us. Everyone was primarily looking at Luna. Everybody knew how guilty that made Blue and Nightmare feel..

* Luna you shouldn't have said that, I understand how frustrated you both must feel but Luna you need to respect his takes-

* Time. I know it takes time, okay?!

Outer's View:
I saw tears run down her eyes as she said that. There was more than what she was letting on...

* Luna what's upsetting you, you can tell me.

I started to walk closer to her.

* Don't come closer, please just...just stay back. Everyone just stay the fuck back.

I was about to look into her memories when she teleported to her room. We could all feel Nightmare's guilt in the room. Blue held his hand tightly.

* We're sorry uncle...

Hope said, staying next to Bloom. Slash went to give Dust and Epic a hug as he kept his tears in.

* Who's gonna go talk to her-?

Nobody said a word.

* I will.

We all looked over at Error as he gave Palette to Dream. He teleported off, leaving the rest of us...shocked.

Error's View:
I knocked on Luna's door.

* Hey kiddo, can I come in?

There was no response. I opened the door slowly and realised she wasn't even in the room. I used magic to check where she last was. I looked at the window and saw it was wide open. She hadn't jumped thankfully. I knew she usually went out exploring at night and she'd go through her window from what Blue had told me. Down the big tree and through the garden. I teleported behind the garden and looked at the huge field. How would I be able to find her through all this...

I started walking a bit and within half an hour, saw her sitting alone by the big waterfall a few miles away from home.

* Go away.

* Come on kiddo, I'm your favourite uncle!

* Horror is my favourite uncle.

I sat down besides her, looking at the water falling.

* Something happened that you're not telling us, right?

* Error I don't want to talk about this!

* You got upset when Slash made it sound like you went through nothing in comparison to him, which means you did. We can't help if you don't tell us.

* There's nothing to tell.

* You remind me of Ink with your stubbornness. He's been through a shit tone, but still to this very day, hasn't spoken about it.

* Well that worked out for him, he's the protector.

* And also a lab rat as of now.

She looked down.

But after the silence, she told me everything.

* Slash had no idea about it, and you can't tell him, okay?

* How were you not in pain and how in the world did you hide the injuries?!

* High pain tolerance, and I used magic to hide it...

* Dream wouldn't be able to heal me because I'm pure negativity like my I can only natural heal.

* You should've told us sooner, Luna.

She shook her head no and started fiddling with her fingers.

* Luna?

* Let's just go home...

I nodded and stood up to open a portal. She went through and went straight to her room. I went to Nightmare's room where him and Blue were waiting for me.

* Is she okay..?

* She's hurting really more ways we can imagine. But she said I shouldn't tell anyone.

* Error she's my daughter, you don't hide stuff that-

* Nightmare trust me here. When she's ready, she'll tell you.

* Should we call the detective..?

* No. Definitely not.

I had a gut feeling that she hadn't told us everything. But that would come with time.

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