Chapter 49 - The Concerns

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Dream's View:
* So why can't we do a C-Section??

* It's too risky to cut you open Dream.

* It's too dangerous to push, and too dangerous to do surgery. There's no options left Sci.

I looked at Sci for some sort of response...some sort of solution.

* Just stay calm you two, let me see what I can do.

He left the room to do some testing.

* ..we'll be okay Cross, should we tell the others?

* I'll tell them if anything gets worse.

I nodded and lifted my shirt. The dark blue streaks on my stomach hurt to touch, it just made everything feel worse.

* Cross..?

* Get Solis.

Solis's View:
I stayed in the section of Nightmare's castle where I'd be away from others. As the weeks went on, I felt more and more paranoid about hurting someone accidentally.

His voice. It echoed in my head, he was slowly overriding the magic suppression patches.

You know, loneliness can make a person go mad.

* I won't go mad..

That's hard to believe.

I looked down at my arms.

'I won't go mad' but yet you're self harming.

* It's stress relieving....

But yet you still feel anxious. Fucking liar-

I heard a knock on the door and I quickly rolled down my sleeves.

* Come in!-

The door slowly opened and Cross entered my room.

* Hey Solis, how are ya? :)

Everyone in the castle was somewhat scared of me...except for Cross. He came to check up on me a lot..

* Good, everything okay..? You're making the same face you made when Lux fell in the garden a few days ago..

* Yeah...heh sorry. I need your help in a way.

* Sure, what can I help with?

* Dream's gone into labour, but until that magic infection is gone, it's not safe to give birth.

* You want me to bring Flail out..

* Not necessarily, you can talk to him right?

* Um..yeah..


* Could you ask him how we cure Dream..?

I nodded.

He thinks I'd give him a cure? That's funny.

* He's making a snarky remark, isn't he.


I nodded.

* I'm willing to make a deal with him if he'll give us the cure.

Go ahead.

* Go ahead.

* Give us the cure and we'll give him supervised freedom one day a week.

One day a week? That's stupid.

This was gonna take a while...

Amelia's View:
Sci texted me the situation and my sisters and I made our way to Dream. I could tell Dream was in pain..but didn't want to show it. Ellie used a spell to try and identify the magic infection.

"How much time do we have before I stop him in time?"

* I don't know, the speed of the spread is changing constantly, it makes no sense. There's something we're missing but I can't put my finger on it.

Delilah approached us.

"I'm probably not as smart as you guys..but what about a magicae translationis?"

"A...A what?"

"Oh. A magic transfer. It's a spell where we transfer someone's magic into another being and vice versa. But when executed perfectly, can transfer a very specific part of the magic structure we want to transfer."

"Would we have enough time for Ellie and I to perfect it?"

Delilah looked at Dream.

"Just about."

Cross's View:
* I'm sorry...

I sighed.

* It's not your fault, he's just incapable of trying a different job. Lack of intelligence, y'know.

He paused before laughing a little.

* Unlike you, you're clearly smarter than him.


* Thanks..

* No worries, he probably doesn't even know the cure, unless he can prove us wrong.

He stopped talking.

* Yeah...I won't repeat what he just said..

* Go have some lunch and I'll keep you updated, okay?

Solis nodded and I teleported back to Sci and Dream. The girls were there, reading some enchanted book.

* They're learning a spell that can save Dream.

* Oh wow, okay. Flail refused to give us any answers.

I sat by Dream's side, he was sat up slightly, drinking water and the fan next to him kept him cool. Lots of IV drips were connected to him.

* How are you feeling..?

* Worried...I just need this baby to be healthy and safe..

* He will be, you're the strongest person I know. :)

* Heh, yeah..can you get me some ice cream please?

* Of course.

I went to the nearest kitchen and looked in the freezer to find some vanilla ice-cream. I scooped some into a bowl for him, took a plastic spoon and went back to give it to him.

* Thanks..hey, Crossy?

* Yes Dreamy..?

* I..I trust the girls will be successful, but if they're not and...and something happens to me, I want you to...let go of me..ok?

* What? Dream you're not gonna die.

* I feel I'm about to go unconscious but..but promise me that if something happens, you keep our children safe and happy..-

* Dream, nothing will happen, okay??

Sci rushed into the room.

* Dream my device starting alerting me, it said-

I heard Dream's soul monitor flatline and Sci called the tw-..triplets.

* Is he dying??

* No no, his soul is just too weak to function on its own but we connected it to a machine. But the baby is in distress so I'll tell the girls to come and perform their spell.

The girls came in, Amelia looking stressed.

"Just stay calm, okay?"

I nodded, stepping out of the room. I could only watch as the girls started their spell. I decided to message everybody else the situation, and everybody sat outside the room and waited in silence.

I could only wait in worry..

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