Chapter 18 - The Time

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Dust's View:
Epic grip on my hand tightened. I felt this weird sensation in my chest at the same time.

* Epic...?

* Sorry...something just felt wrong...

I hugged him, trying not to worry.

Two days later...


Outer's View:
I walked along the next street with Dan. I had an idea and he was willing to help. As long as my magic wasn't suppressed, I would be able to pin point the children's minds of they were close.

"Mind magic is dangerously rare, especially at the level you say yours is at...are you sure this'll work..?"

I nodded.

* Yep.

"Humans have been doing a lot of research on the type of magic you possess, y'know?"

* I'm not surprised. Thankfully I live where it's primarily monsters.

Next street.

* So Dan, how are you friends with Nightmare?

"Well before becoming a detective, I was a lawyer. I helped get him legal ownership of the tree of feelings so nobody would come near it again. And before you ask, the kidnappers came be those who were on defence, they're in prison as of now. Attempted murder on five occasions."

* But not everyone from his timeline is in prison...

"Very true, but his timeline was so big it could be anybody."

* Eh, true. I guess it slims the suspects down to one t-



* Wait a moment.

Swash hurt...

He was only trying to protect us, p-please let me save him-!

* Luna's voice, she's crying.

"Which house is it."

Dan immediately made a call.

I looked around at the house we were close to. None of them looked out of the ordinary...

For sale.

We silently went up to the house, it looked abandoned more than anything.

I don't like liars. You should know that by now.

Nightmare and his gang as well as Dream and Cross came out of a portal.

Everyone stay silent. I'm going to communicate with Luna.

Luna's View:
Slash groaned as he was dropped onto the had he survived this...

We hadn't seen him in two days.

And then now we found out what happened to him...

'How he's managed to keep himself alive? I have no idea. But it won't be too long before he dusts away.'

Luna?! Luna can you hear me? It's me Outer, respond if you can hear me!!

* Please, I-I'll do anything to save him!


Thank goodness, we're here to save you. Is anyone hurt?

Slash, he got stabbed multiple times two days ago, he's hanging on by the thread.

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