Chapter 67 - The Regress

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One week later...


Solis's View:
It was lunchtime at school and I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone that day. I stayed in the corner of the big football field, away from everyone.

I didn't want to eat.
Or sleep.
Or talk.

Nightmare wanted me to do some sort of...counselling sessions with Sci but I didn't feel comfortable. I wanted to feel guilty, but there was only one person that might have understood me. But Dream felt nervous around me, I could tell.

I was sat under a tree, reading some books. It was my first day back at school and it felt weird. It looked like nobody had there was an error-

It was hard to explain, but it made me feel uncomfortable.

So I preferred to be alone.

The boys on the football team were doing football practice so I made sure I was on the side of the field where I couldn't see them..and they couldn't see me. Blue had made me packed lunch..but I didn't wanna eat.

I closed my eyes to take a small nap before next lesson.

Ink's Past:
* I..I'm sorry!-

Ink squeaked as he received yet again hard hit from his brother.


Another hit.

* I...I knew you'd b-be m-m-


That was the day the brothers were finding out if Ink was picked as the next Protector of the Universe.

* You're good for NOTHING, useless piece of NOTHING, you are NOTHING.

His brother was high of drugs, which explained his behaviour but-

When the door knocked, he made Ink open the door as he went into the kitchen.

* Letter for Ink!Sans?

* Th-That's me...

Ink didn't even show his face, only his hand to take the letter. He thanked the postman and closed the door. He turned around to see his brother, holding a-

* ..b-brother..?

* We both knew this moment would come, Ink. They loved you more than me, how poisonous must they have been for you to fall for their kindness.

* You're misunderstanding them..they wanted to help you!

* NO THEY DIDN'T. They wanted to get rid of me. They wanted to separate us. I'll give them want they always

Ink rushed up the stairs and locked himself in his room. His windows had been boarded and he had no way of communicating with someone.

* Open the door, it will be quick.

He opened the letter addressed to him and read it.


But before he could say anything, the door was forced open and he rushed to the other side of his room.

As if he was any faster than his brother.


* Stay STILL.

He was grabbed but he squirmed around, trying to dodge him.



Ink was forced to stay and he was about to scream and bellow when he heard a gun shot.

His breathing was short and shallow and we opened his eyes to see blood...his brother looked down to see the bullet that had pierced his soul.

Before Ink could say anything or see who did it, his mind blanked before he opened his eyes again.

It must've been a dream, his brother was wresling him still.


* What-

He was almost knocked out by his brother but he dodged just in time. Right before he could get stabbed, he spawned a blaster and blasted his brother to the other side of the room.

He'd had enough of this torture.
This pain.
This unfair treatment.

Get rid of him.

Ink twleported over to his brother and formed ink; it swirled around his brother's neck and tightened.

Tighter and tighter.

His eyelights had disappeared. Was it even Ink?

* Y-Y..s-st-


Ink waited until he saw dust begin to form before he released his magic. His eyelights slowly but surely returned.

You killed him...

Ink looked at the was that even possible...he strangled him, not stabbed. Everything started to feel unfamiliar.


He blacked out.


Ink's View:
I got off the phone with the Doctor. They'd seen something else in my tabs and CT scan.

It all made so much sense...

* Go on, show em.

Error opened the door and Jammy came walking in as Palette crawled in, Error entering right behind. They were all dressed up in the same pyjamas. Error had a bouquet of red roses and a red balloon.

I smiled and stood up.

* Happy valentines day! 💝

Jammy smiled and Palette crawled up to me because he wanted me to pick him up. So I did.

* Awww, thank you! ^-^

I turned off my phone and hugged them all, giving Error a kiss.

Error's View:
I cringed as Ink hugged me. I looked straight ahead of me and something caught my eye.

A letter.

It was a a letter with Ink's scan and vitals results. I couldn't quite see what it said but now wasn't the time to ask him.

* We love you, Inky. 😉

* Oh? A wink?~

We got the children to bed before getting back to our room to have some Netflix and chill.

It was a good say, but I couldn't help but bring up the topic of the letter.

I wasn't angry or anything, just a bit...worried.

I gave him a hug and a kiss as I changed the channel.

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