Chapter 77 - The Magic

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The Next Day...

Slash's View:
I continued eating my toast and eggs, constantly glancing between the twins. Luna and I looked at each other.

She whispered.

* Are they mad at each other..?

* I think so..

* Do you know why?

I shook my head.

* No, but the intensity is so thick I could cut through it with a sharp sword..

I looked at Hope as Luna looked at Bloom. We agreed to go sit with each of them. I stood up and went to Hope.

* Hey Hope! How are you doing today?

* I'm good thanks, you?

* Great! I think this is the first time I've seen you have breakfast away from your sister. Is everything okay?

* She's mad at me.

* Why..?

* I sided with my parents over the fact that she shouldn't start training yet.

Now that I thought about it, Bloom was a tech-champ, always top of her class, a book nerd, but I'd never seen her training.

* Why doesn't she train?

* Because as determined as she is, Bloom doesn't have the...the bravery. She got scared of the whistling wind last week. In battle, she gets frightened too quickly.

* Has she been given a chance..?

* Yes, too many chances. I love my sister but I wouldn't forgive myself if she got hurt because she was in a fight with someone who could read her like a book.

Hope continued to talk, maybe Luna and I could resolve the little...fall out.

Luna's View:
* I'm mad at all of them, Luna.

* Mhm, but why?

* They have no faith in me. I want to be trained like my brother, taken seriously. Every child I'm this castle trains, with the exception of the babies. I'm not a baby.

* Have you sat down and talked to them about it?

* They don't take me seriously. Hope has such a big fat ego he doesn't have confidence in his own twin.

I saw Hope turn to look at Bloom and she immediately glared back at him. Dream and Cross were mainly focused on Palette so they couldn't really help-

* Why don't we all sit together at lunch and talk about it. You know Outer like the car filled with positivity aabd he's taking us to school today, okay?

She nodded, standing up to and wash her plate and cutlery. Within half an hour, we were all in the car. Outer started driving us to school. I was sat in between the twins, both met daring to look at the other.

Bloom's View:
Everyone else was busy on their phone so it was the perfect opportunity. My eyes glowed and I look directly at Outer, who was focused on the road.

I just needed a little bit. Uncle Night had hundreds of magical objects he had found on his voyages and mission with the team so the night before, I took a look at as many as I could until I found what I was looking for.

I opened the bottle very carefully and faced it towards Outer. I watched in awe as I saw magic draining from him into the bottle.

For safe measure, I only took a little bit before quickly closing the bottle. We arrived at school and went to lesson.


Luna's View:
I walked with Bloom to where Slash and Hope were. We sat down and faced the boys.

* Right you two, you've got to work through this fallout. Hope what would you like to say to Bloom?

* Nothing.

Slash looked at me with concern.

* You Bloom?

* There's nothing to say. If I say something wrong, he'll go tell mother and father.

* I- No I won't! You're the one being stubborn.

* Riiight, that's why you didn't have anything to say, right?

* Guys, stop arguing! Bloom you told me you felt unheard, so what do you want to tell your brother?

* That he's a jerk.

Hope rolled his eyes.

* You're being unreasonable Bloom! I can't control what our parents do.

* You agreed with them, it wasn't any of your business to begin with.

* Okay, I'm sorry for butting into the situation. I won't do it again.

* Good.


Bloom's View:
I smiled, saying goodnight to everyone else and going to my room. Mother had already gone to bed so I would be able to talk to him.



I sat down in my bed and looming at the bottle of magic.

* Here goes nothing..

I quickly drank it down and immediately I felt woozy. Everything seemed to be blurring away as I felt to sleep. I was alerted of a sleeping mind.


Instead of me going into Mother's dream, I brought Shattered into mine.

* What the-

* ..Shattered?

It was him.
It was who I remembered.

We were sat opposite one another on a dining table.

* Bloom?

He teleported to me and looked me up and down.

* It worked..! Ahem. We need to talk.

* Is that so.

He sat down next to me.

* You've grown.

* Why won't people take me seriously?

* I have to say it Bloom, but you've always fallen short when it came to your fighting abilities. When you were a kid, you were scared of keeping the window open, turning the lights off, play-fighting with your brother.

* But I'm not a little kid anymore.

* Some things never change.

I felt a tentacle tap my shoulder and I quickly blasted it.

* I've improved!

* I'm sure you have, but you think they care? Cross doesn't want his 'little girl' to fight. Dream doesn't have faith in you and Hope doesn't want to share the prestige and attention. Unless you assert yourself, they'll continue to walk all over you.

* You're just trying to get me in trouble, idiot.

The atmosphere changed into a classroom.

* I'm being honest with you, and you know that I am...

He turned on the board.

* Because I just read out your own thoughts on them. If you want them to see you have just as much time offer, thnn it's not Cross you should be battling, it's Hope.

* I'm not as powerful as him...

* I can give you some magic temporary, I about to fade back into Dream's mind-

* Okay!-


I woke up, my breathing shallow.

* Ready for training, Hope?

* You bet dad. :)

I got out of bed.

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