Chapter 54 - The Hypnosis

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Ink's View:
I put Palette and Jammy to bed before going to my room where Error was reading in bed. He got changed into his pyjamas before sitting in bed, laying his head on Error's shoulder.

* You okay?

* .. yeah, I'm just thinking.

* About?

* Well, I went on a mission with Horror today. We have to find the artifacts in a timeline before they get in the wrong hands.

* Are they magical artifacts..?

* ...............I can't remember. ;w;

* Need me to help get them tomorrow with you and Horror?

* Ooo yes, please! I'll see if Ellie will join, too. It'll be great quality time.😊

The Next Day...

Error's View:
We left the children with Epic and Dust before leaving for the mission. It was a gigantic pyramid.

* This isn't gonna be another Mirror!Verse issue, right?

Ink shook his head as we all entered. All four of us talked and walked for a bit before coming across a huge maze. Ellie stood in front of all of us.

"Okay, guys, now this maze is pretty big and magic suppressed, so we need to stick together. No running off, no going off track and not leaving anyone behind. I doubt there's any phone service in there either, so no separating yourselves, okay?"

We all looked at Ink.

* Whaaaat??? I'll behave myself!

I held his hand, and we all walked into the maze.

Luna's View:
* Mother, I don't need-

* Just try it on Luna. This is your first official date!


I tried on the dress my mother forced me to try before looking in the mirror. Rolling my eyes, Mother took almost 50 pictures of me.

* Okay, okay! I'm ready to go.

* You look amazing, sweetheart. 😊

We went to the living room to see Slash and Epic. He was in a navy suit, holding a rose.

Don't blush.
Don't blush.

* Shall we?

I nodded before we quickly left the house, teleporting to the overground. We used magic to get into much more comfortable clothes, bursting into laughter. We bought popcorn and drinks before entering the movie theatre and sitting next to each other.

Today was gonna be fun...

Ellie's View:
We had gotten to a dark part of the maze, and everything was going well before I paused.

"Did you guys feel that?"

* Feel what?

"Someone else is in the maze, and they're nearby."

* Are you sure? I didn't feel anyth-

Everything suddenly went pitch black before I reappeared in a hallway. My head was spinning...I knew this maze had tricks, but what was happening..?

No One's View:
Ellie felt Horror's soul nearby, so she quickly rushed down the hallway and opened the only door.


She was by Horror's side within a few seconds, tapping him on the shoulder and asking he lover if he was alright. Ellie was only met with silence. Her partner didn't even acknowledge her presence. She tried shaking him a bit, but the other didn't budge. Because she was behind Horror - the other being taller than her - she couldn't really see what he was holding in his hand.

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