Chapter 46 - The Three

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One month before the baby was due...


Dream's View:
I took my daily pain relieving tablets before laying back in bed. It felt weird being so...unproductive. I grabbed an alcohol wipe and cleaned the usual area of my arm before injection myself with medicines. The children were at school, and everyone else had a job to do..

But whenever I felt lonely, I knew there was always one person I could call.

( * Hey Dream! How are ya? )

* Could be are you? c:

( * Could be better too, Delilah's been sick for the last two days... )

* Sick as in...?

( * As in what?...oh, no no no she's not pregnant! She's had a horrible fever and she's been seeing...visions. )

* Maybe it's magic related?

( * That's what I was Sci teleported over to take her vitals and a blood sample. Hopefully it's just a bad cold. )

* Yeah, hopefully.

( * How's the little one? )

* He's strong. Very strong. 😅

( * I'm not surprised. He has strong parents. I gotta go check on Deli, I'll talk later, okay? )

* Okay, bye!

I hanged up the phone and teleported to the kitchen. Cross was making us breakfast.

* Morning my sunshine! How are you feeling this morning?

I gave Cross a kiss before sitting down.

* In pain, but I'm okay. ;w;

He gave me chopped fruit salad and some perfectly toasted bread with better.

* Sci's been working on a temporary cure for the birth time period at least.

* Yeah. Hey have you noticed how Amelia hasn't been in the lab with Sci lately?

* Those lovebirds? Yeah I noticed it too, but I assumed it was her studies or something.

* True, true. Same thing with Ellie. Her and Horror haven't been hanging together lately.

* Mhm, but seeming that neither Sci or Horror aren't upset, they probably know why.

Cross sat down and we talked for a while.

Amelia's View:
Ellie increased the volume of the call.

"Mother, that surely can't be possible. You told us our story, there's no way.."

( "We thought she was dead too, but after that mission you both did in that timeline, your powers would not have spiked unless she was somewhat nearby." )

Ellie looked into the timeline we most recently had a mission to.

"This is a timeline of humans and monsters. It won't be easy finding her."

( "We know my dear..but as princess, it is your duty to never give up." )

"Mhm, thank you father, see you soon!"

Ellie hung up the phone and we sat down.

"So..we're looking for a girl who looks like us and has our magic type." Ellie said.

"Maybe I could ask Sci to make a device to scan people's magic?" I responded, eating pineapple slices.

We nodded and Ellie went to the other timelines as I went to Sci. He was typing away on his laptop as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

* Heyy! How are you doing?

"Good! We talked to our parents and they think it's our triplet that triggered such a crazy reaction with our magic."

* Isn't she dead?

"That's what we all thought, but I'm starting to doubt that...Ellie's gone to the timeline to see if she can find anything useful."

* I'm guessing you need a device that will help analyses the magical patterns of people, right?

I nodded joyfully, giving Sci a container of his family homemade baked goods.

By yours sincerely. ❤️

* Thank you! 😊

He gave me the service and were hugged before I teleported to Ellie's side.

"If we had a sister, she would have similar facial structures to us, but different coloured magic and eyes, maybe even hair." Ellie explained.

"Maybe her magic is yellow? Yours is blue, mine is reddish-pink, maybe we're the primary colours?"

"Yours would be a firm red then."

"Hm, true. Perhaps hers is purple? A combination of ours. Mother did say she was born last."

"Maybe. Which means she'd have purple eyes too. Hair colour?"

I shrugged, focusing more on scanning random people without them even realising.

"Do you think she knows who she really is?"

"Doubt it, or she would've tried to find us."

"Maybe she is?"

We continued scanning and searching.

Ink's View:
I got off the phone with X!Gaster about the plans for the next year and went to Jammy's room, where he was colouring in.

* Hey buddy! What are ya drawing?

Jammy smiled and showed his picture to me. He had drawn and coloured in a beautiful house with flowers and a sun shining down on it. I decided to draw with him. I took some paper and wet got quality time together.

* So I heard you've said two new words?

He nodded.

* Okay okay let's your favourite colour purple?


I smiled hearing his voice again.

* Just kidding, I know it's yellow. :)

* ....yeah!

He picked up the yellow pen and gave it to me. Error came into the room with little baby Palette and we sat down around Jammy's little table.

* Having fun without us? I'm ✨ offended ✨

I laughed, taking Palette from Error's hands.

* It's called 🌈 quality time 🌈 if you must know!

Error took out a piece of people and we all started to draw together, Palette eventually falling asleep in my arms. We smiled and laughed and Jam's reactions were the best.

We took lots of pictures, like we always did. We wanted these memories to stay strong in the future.

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