Chapter 34 - The Harm

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Geno's View:
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

* Good, now go back to a time right before you hear that voice..have that thought.

* Okay...


I entered the bathroom and got ready for the day. Roasting through the contents of one of the drawers I came across a letter.

The letter with my birth due date and potential risks for our first born.

* You have control over the situation this get to decide if you listen to the voice or not.

Solis held my hand.

I looked into the mirror, she was right there.

* I...I'm so sorry..

You're happy without me.

* N-No! That's not true...we all miss you...I miss you so much...

Replaced me.
I'm gone I-

* Stop it...

You'd be happy with me...right mother?

* Yes...of course..-

Then die, if you die you'll be with me forever..

* But the others- I-


* Please- stop-


* I c-can't-

* Geno! Hey calm down, you're safe here.

I looked at Solis; he was holding my hand, I could feel his magic in me...calming me down. Tears rolled down my eyes as I realised how broken I really was...

* You did a great job, the fact you were able to recognise your daughter's voice means that we can work on controlling it.

I looked up at Solis.

* I...I never told you whose voice it was..

Solis's smile vanished and all I did was blink and I was in a suppressing cell. My eyes widened as I saw magic cameras following each and every one of my family. Ink, Error, Nightmare, even their friends too...

* You're the family stalker..

* Indeed I am~ you won't be needed to them anymore, I replaced you with your clone.

He was right. A duplicate of me was finishing the therapy session with a clone of Solis. I didn't have my phone on me; there was only a little bit of light shining through the tiny window.

* Why are you doing this-

* Because I was supposed to be the good guy. I deserved a spot with the Good Sanses, but they didn't accept me. So I'll do everything in my power to get my revenge.

* That's why you've been targeting them...

* Well aren't you a smart little cookie.

Ink's Past:
"Poor thing..the police are investigating the attack right now."

"Is his brother on his way?"

One of the teachers nodded.

The teachers stayed outside Ink's room to talk to the police and soon enough, his brother came rushing in, looking worried.

* Is he okay?! What happened???

"Your brother was poisoned, the doctors are having a hard time identifying what poisoned him because the anatomy of a monster is rather different to a human.."

* Poisoned?! Can I see him, please..

"Of course, a doctor will be in to check on him soon."

They opened the door and let Ink's brother in, closing it behind him. Ink was asleep in the hospital bed, lots of medicine attacked to him. His brother scoffed before sitting down on the sofa in the room.

* How unfortunate.

He took out the same poison the boys used.

Well, not really poison.

Hydrogen peroxide.

To humans, it was deadly, but for a monster, when taken in high doses, could results in brain damage, seizures and in the worst of cases, death.

* I didn't realise how fun it was to kill, y'know.

He eyed down one of the drips that Ink was connected to.

* We both know you're not becoming a guardian. They know about your disability...and that pisses me off y'know.

He got out a syringe and took in as much of the chemical as he could before injecting it into one of the drips, making sure it wouldn't leak.

He did it again.
And again.
And again.

Until he felt one of the doctor's auras get stronger. He sat back down and put a worried look on his face. A doctor opened the door.

'Hi there, I'm Doctor Kay, I'll be the lead doctor in your brother's care. Does he have any medical history we should know about?'

* Autism. That's all.

'Okay thanks..any allergies?'

* No. When will he wake up?

'We're not sure, we're waiting for test results to come back to see what he was drugged with.'

* Thanks doc.

'Of course, a police officer will come and ask you some questions if that's alright.'

* Of course.

But even after the interrogation, Ink's brother was never a suspect.

A few days later, Ink woke up. Everything hurt.

'Welcome back Ink! Don't worry, you don't have to talk, we'll sit you up slowly if that's okay..?'

He nodded slowly, trying not to move too much. The bed rose and Ink looked straight at his brother, sitting not too far from him.

'I know you must feel really exhausted right now but a policeman is gonna come in and ask you some yes or no questions, okay?'

Ink looked at the doctor before an officer came into the room and sat down to introduce himself before starting the questions.

"Do you remember what happened to you?"

Ink nodded slowly...he felt like passing out.

"Did someone purposely poison you?"

Ink nodded again.

"Was it more than one person?"

Ink felt numb. He raised his index finger very slightly and bent it before passing out. The monitor started beeping and the doctors rushed in.

"I think I know what he was trying to say, we need to go back to the school."

His brother simply stood back as the doctors stabilised him. If Ink died, that would've been his entire family he murdered. He would felt like he achieved his goal, his mission. The responsibilities he would've been released from with Ink would've been his reward...but Ink was stronger than he even could've thought.

That motion Ink gave, was a clue...a camera motion...checking the cameras. There were none in the toilets but there were some in the hallway. Four students, the students who always bullied Ink, leaving the toilets and running outside, cheering. But the cameras didn't catch who they were talking to..

But Ink knew darn well who it was.

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