Chapter 37 - The Boundaries

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Error's View:
The others and I went to Ink's timeline, and straight to his high school. Things had changed that's for sure.

* I'll go in, I'll call you guys if I need backup. Start searching the timeline for Ink's old house and any clues in there.

They nodded and teleported off. I entered the school and went straight to the assembly hall, where everyone was.

'So the value for this month is-'

* I need a teacher who remembers Ink.

Everyone went silent. I glared at the teacher who was last talking.

* I'm not kidding, I know all the teachers know about him. The protector of the multiverse, the student bullied for no reason at all, the kid who was p-

'I remember him. Follow me, Error!Sans.'

The librarian opened the door for me and I went with her to the library.

'Did something happen to him?'

* Why would you care.

'Because I was the only teacher who didn't hate him. He came into the library most days but after he was poisoned-'

* He stopped coming. What happened that day?

'The same kids who had been bullying him forced him to take hydrogen peroxide in the boys toilets. He was in a coma for a few days before waking up.'

* Where are those boys now.

'No clue, they're still in the timeline though. They have their own families...'

* What a shame..

I teleported to the others and they were searching through the different rooms of the house.

* I got the names of the boys who poisoned Ink with hydrogen peroxide in the past. I'll bring 'em here.

* Sure.

I clicked my fingers and all four men fell onto the floor.

"What the-"

* We have some questions to ask you all about Ink and the way you poisoned him.

"That autistic freak? Thought that bitch was dead.."

I turned and glared at the first man who spoke before using my strings to start strangling him.

Ink's autistic..?
He never told me..was he scared-?

* Who ordered you guys to poison him?

"H-His brother-! Please let Jake go!"

* Later. Were there any other skeletons in the school?

"Jacob..what about that one kid that was there for a month.."

* Who.

"I-Ink's only f-friend..but he left soon after Ink r-returned to school..nobody knew his name except for Ink-! B-But Ink's memory after what we did..went slowly.."

* Great. Just fucking great.

I let the idiotic one go from my strings and he coughed roughly. Night came to my side and glared at each of them with glowing eyes.

They were forced to see their worst nightmares for a few hours.

* Let's go guys, we need to get Ink to remember the name of that monster.

Ink's View:
* Bete- OW-

"You're such a baby. It's just a chemical burn.."

* Just a...Bete chemical burns are very dangerous y'know!!

"Which is why we're trying to alter your magic to have a tolerance for it."

* Whatever..

She finished bandaging my arm up and we went upstairs to the living room where Gaster had made lunch. I was about to dig into my chicken when the bad Sanses and Error teleported into the room. We stood up and faced them. Error didn't even look at me.

"What do you want, boys."

* We need to ask Ink some questions. Neither of you are safe right now.

Error whispered something to Killer before glancing at me and teleporting off.

* Go ahead. Half an hour, no more.

I took my lunch and followed them to the lab where Bete made sure I was in my capsule before leaving the room.

* Did you catch the stalker..?

* Not yet. Whoever it was, was your only friend during high school. But he was a temporary student who left soon after your memory went crazy after you were poisoned. Do you think you can remember a name?

* I wish I could..but my memory after I woke up was terrible...

* Try to remember anything about the guy at all.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember.

* He was a skeleton.

* Good, keep on thinking.

I ate more of my food; I was absolutely starving!

* He wanted to become a lawyer, always wanted find the truth. Um...he had a scar on his face?-

* Did he know that you were autistic?

I opened my eyes and looked straight at Cross.

* ...excuse me?

* Ink why didn't you tell us? Error was shocked when he found out through your bullies..

* That's funny. You guys think I should've told Error? The same guy who hasn't spoken to me for almost five months? Yeah okay sure. We're not talking about this anymore.

* Ink he's just upset over-

* The kiss, I know. You guys should go ask Delight what really happened. The things I do to protect people is crazy y'know.

* Ink, we can't solve this problem unless you calm down and try to remember.

* I don't care anymore, okay? It means nothing to me...I have no freedom anyways. I'm on drugs all the time, constantly getting injured, can't even see my children, Error isn't talking to me and NOBODY EVEN BOTHERS TO VISIT.


Hey, how are you feeling?
Who are you..?
Ink I'm your friend, S-
St-Stay away from me..this has to be since kind of joke..

* Ink now is not the time for a meltdown. I understand your frustrated but you need to tell us anything you remember.

* I said I'm done talking.

A joke..? Ink I'd never do that to y-
Nobody even likes me here, so why would I believe you??
Ink I'm not an enemy..
I don't know who you are, so please leave me alone!

* Ink please-

"He said he's done talking."

Bete had the door opened and Gaster entered the room.

* Why am I not surprised that my disappointment of a son is the one causing trouble in here.

Cross stayed silent before they all left.

I took a deep breath.

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