Chapter 50 - The Baby

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Bloom's View:
I stayed in my room and closed the windows and curtains. It had been two hours and still nobody was allowed in to see Mother.

I wasn't eating.
Or sleeping.
Or talking.

If anything happened to my mother, anything at all.

You know, we shouldn't even be born?
Mother doesn't want to tell us the whole truth.
It's pretty obvious.

I would never forgive myself for not being there enough for my mother...

But mother cared.
Even when nobody else would.

I looked at the pictures hung around my walls.

We were such a happy family.

I refused to let that go. My eyes immediately went to the door as I heard someone knock.

It was Solis.

* H-Hi...I'm probably the last person you'd wanna see...-

I teleported to him and gave him a hug.

*'s okay...are you okay?

* I should be asking you that!

* I'll be fine, really..

* Cross told me to come get you, the baby-

I grabbed Solis's hand and teleported us to outside my mother's room.

It was wide open.

* ...Where are they?! What happened to them???

* Bloom calm down!

He grabbed my shoulders and gently turned me around so I could see the opposing room. Father was in there with the girls, and Sci, and Hope and-

I opened the door.

* The baby is alright..little baby StarCross is alright... 🙂


I saw my little brother in Hope's hands. Father was happy but there were tears in his eyes.

* No...

Solis took my head and went along the corridor and opened the door at the end.


* Dream is alive, but in a coma. We don't know for how long though..

* No..but that means my mother might-

* Don't say it, we can't think the worst okay?

I nodded, wiping my tears.

One month later...


Ink's View:
I woke up early to go to the gym before coming home and setting up breakfast. It was only 7am and everybody will still sleep.

So I decided to visit Dream.

Sci was fast asleep ok his deal so I quietly went pay his office and into Dream's room.

He still hadn't woken up...

* Morning Dreamer!

I sat down by his bedside and took out my art supplies.

Dream's View:
Do you think we'll wake up?

* I'm sure I'll wake up soon, let's pray you don't.

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