Chapter 52 - The Blanked

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One month later...


Cross's View:
Star was asleep in my arms as we were sat next to Dream. Nothing had changed but I was just relieved to know nothing had worsened. Star was only two months old...he was adorable. He had Dream's eyes but was most certainly the spitting image if his handsome father.

* Lux had her first day at school today, and she loved it. :)

I took out my phone and looked at the pictures of her with her drawing from school.

* You'd be so proud of little Lux..

* Papa..? Who are you talking to...?

Lux entered the room, smiling brightly.

* We're talking to your mother. :)

* Can mama hear us...? I can't hear anyone when I'm sleeping...

* I hope so.

She sat down on the other side of Dream and held his hand.

* Hi mama, we miss you! Papa took me to school with a bus today! :D

She reached into her pastel yellow school bag and took out a painting.

She reached into her pastel yellow school bag and took out a painting

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* I draw this because mama is as beautiful and sweet as a flower!

* Wow, it's a wonderful masterpiece! I'll frame it and put it on the bedside table here, yeah?

* Okay! ^-^

Dream's View:
I smiled, looking at Lux's lovely drawing. She was so proud and so was Cross and I.

It's ugly. She can't even colour within the lines.

* I think it's beautiful!

See, there's a reason why Bloom is the best artist, she had a great teacher.

* Whatever makes you sleep at night, Shattered.

Y'know, I miss the times when were toge-

* We were never together.

You loved those ten years. All you had to do was be a mother while I gave you everything you needed and wanted.

* I wanted freedom, why didn't I get that?

I did what was in your best favour, my love.

* I'm not your love and you only did what was best for yourself.

Lux held my hand and kissed my cheek.

* See you later, mama!

They all left the room.

The best thing for myself would've been to kill you and take possession of my soul and destroy everything and everyone.

* You destroyed my hope and dreams, isn't that enough?

You think I did, but like I always say, I won't stop until you want to be with me. Until you don't have a choice. Until nobody will come and save you.

* Ok.

My monotoned voice got him rolling his eyes.

Ink's Past:
* I won't be bad...I promise I won't be!

Ink's brother grabbed his arm and rolled up his sleeve. Ink cringed as his brother gave him another cigarette burn.

* You always lie and it genuinely annoys me, y'know.

* I l-lost track of time..!-

Tears slowly rolled down Ink's face as he looked up at his brother.

* I'm s-sorry..please I'm sorr-

Ink felt his soul come out of his chest. His brother's grin terrified him. He grabbed the soul and used magic to force Ink to stay in his place.

* I realised why they chose you over me. You're soul is dangerously rare. You don't need it anymore though, and I need money.

He grabbed a knife and some medication from the box on top of the fridge.

* W-What are you doing?! Don't d-do this please! I'll behave, I-I won't be late!-

* Shut up. Stop talking and take this medication.

* ...but-

* You JUST said you'd behave, and you didn't listen to a simple instruction and shut up. I've had it.

He grabbed Ink's neck and pinned him to the ground, forcing the medication down his throat. Ink tried his best to keep the effects from getting to him.

But he started to feel weaker...
And weaker...
His vision started to blur as he looked at his brother stab deep into his soul.

* I'm....s...

My dear artist,
We love you so much..
It won't get easier, but we raised you to be strong, and steady, and resilient.
You've got to hold on longer.
Please hold on a little longer.

Ink opened his eyes and looked around.


He felt as blank as the walls around him.


* B-Brother..? Brother let me out.

Let me out.
Don't forget.

Ink fell to the floor and curled up into a ball. He felt like there was a weight falling upon him. As if he was suffocating...

* OUT- *gasp* LET ME OUT-

He started scratching his arms painfully hard, creating marks.

* Out..OUT *gasp* P-PLEASE-

* You deserve this.

The door opened and his brother stood, grinning. Ink looked at his brother, trying to stand up.

But his legs felt...numb.

* When you're ready to be obedient, you'll be let out.

* I'll do everything...I promise...please..

* Are you sure?

Ink nodded, dragging himself towards his brother. He kneeled down and laid Ink's head on his lap.

* We'll be safe with one another, you won't have to worry anymore, little artist...

Tears rolled down Ink's head as he nodded to anything and everything his brother told him.

* They were poison..

* Exactly, I've saved you from death.

* Saved me from poison...

* Good, good.

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