Chapter 28 - The Aim

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Ink's Past:
Ink sat in the café and thanked the waitress from bringing him his favourite drink. He looked up when he heard the bell and saw Delight come in.

* Hey Inky! How are you today?

Delight sat down by Ink and gave him a a hug.

* I'm good, thanks. I need to talk to you about something..

Delight thanked the waiter for his usual drink.

* Sure, what's up my love?

* Delight we're not together remember, we're just friends. 😅

* Ya never know Inky, our fates haven't been determined yet~!

* Heh, true.

Ink got out his phone and showed Delight a picture.

* Error gave me a rose yesterday whilst we were having lunch together to discuss the balance. I really think he likes me, Delight!

* We've been hoping for this for AGES now, ask him out! Ink I'm so happy for you! 😃

Ink's View:
* Nothing happened between us Error, I promise you. And anyways, we became distant soon after we became a thing.

* Alright alright, I believe you!

Error took out two notes and showed it to me.

* Is that Delight's handwriting?

I looked at it before shaking my head no, saying that Delight's handwriting was much messier. He usually spoke or typed rather than wrote due to his dyslexia. But who knew both Delight and I? Nothing made sense...

* You should visit Delight, he'll probably remember more than me...

Error nodded, glaring at both Bete and Gaster before teleporting back home.

Delight's View:
I took the cupcakes out of the oven and left them on the window ceil to cool down.

* Harmony, come and decorate the cupcakes!

No response.
Was she asleep?

* Harmony?

I went upstairs and knocked on her door, waiting for a response.

* Harmony..? Can I come in?

I slowly opened the door and froze in my place.

"Don't scream or she dies. Close the door and lock it behind you."

I shakily closed the door, trying not to make any sudden moves. Harmony was crying in fear...held at gunpoint. He was wearing a mask, his face was hidden.

But it was definitely a skeleton.

He pushed Harmony onto the chair next to me and kept the gun at us with magic.

"I'm gonna ask you some questions, Delight. If you're lying, I'll know. Okay?"

* O-Okay, just don't hurt Har-

"Do you know Ink?"

I nodded, my soul pounding. Was this a prank from Ink-? He hadn't spoken to me in so long...I missed him so much.

"Did you love him?"

* A-As a friend, s-sure but-

"Delight, don't lie to me. You loved him much more than that right?"

My eyes immediately went to the picture he held up of Ink and I holding hands at the café we used to always go to together.

* Y-Yes..but he didn't f-feel the same way anymore...

"Anymore? He used to love you?"

* A very long time ago..even before he met Error. But he said it didn't feel right, m-my feelings st-still remained th-though..

He held out another picture, my eyes widened.

"So explain this to me."

The gun edged it's way closer to Harmony.

* I...I-

"I'm not playing games with you Delight, explain this now."

* I-It was the d-day before Ink left to stay with Error...h-he felt bad for me...he f-felt bad that I still loved him! S-So he kissed me as a g-goodbye..

"He kissed you whilst dating Error, hm?"

* I-It didn't mean anything to him-!

He looked at me before looking at Harmony.

"You had a kid with Ink?"

* I- what? N-No, I adopted Harmony years after..

"Is that true, Harmony?"

The gun moved to me, it could shoot at any point.

* Y-Yes..! My mother died when I was five...s..she the shot..

He laughed.

"What a coincidence."

He was asking Harmony a range of questions, to build some sort of trust but to get answers from her too. I looked around the room and eyes her tennis racket. I began to use magic very carefully to drag it towards me

"Does your mother still live Ink?"

I snapped out of my spell as I heard that question, the tennis racket dropping to the floor. He eyed me down before the gun teleported to his hand.

* W-Wait!

He aimed it at me and didn't hesitate to pull the trigger, I heard the shot and Harmony scream as I shut my eyes quickly.

Being killed felt so...numb.
I barely even felt a pinch.

* D-Delight...? Mom where are we..?!

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Harmony, we were sitting on a sofa, a show playing on the TV casually. I had someone catching their breath so I looked forward to see Error.

He had just saved us...

* Error! Are you okay?! Did you get shot??

*, I'm okay. Are you guys okay-?

We nodded. He had used a tremendous amount of magic to track us down and save us just in time.

* What did that bastard tell you guys?!

* He asked me questions and threatened to shoot if we didn't tell the truth- Where's Ink??

* Occupied. Did he reveal himself?

* No he was wearing a mask, but he had a low v-

The TV shut down before switching back on. My soul stopped as I saw an audience view of what I had just been through.

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