Chapter 90 - The Twin

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One month later...


Dream's View:
I gently knocked on the door before opening it. Hope was by the bedside of the bed where...

He rarely left that room.
He barely spoke to anyone.
He didn't even want to eat anymore.

I knew I had to be strong for all of us. If I were to shutdown, the positivity supply would disappear, everyone falling into despair. I sat by him, looking at the picture he was looking at in his hand.

Hope and Bloom.
Bloom and Hope.

Side by side.
Hand in hand.

* It was your fifth birthday...I remember she loved the cake more than anything.

He didn't say anything. Hope was completely zoned out.

* Hope..? I've made breakfast, come and eat a little bit okay?

He shook his head.

* Bloom wouldn't want to see you like this...

* She's not here.

Cross entered the room with a sandwich and drink for Hope. He sat on the other side and put the plate of food in front of Hope.

* Your mother's right, she'd want you to be healthy, Hope...

He nodded.

* We'll be back to check...okay?

We left the room; I wiped my tears. Cross gave me a huge hug.

* He's suffering..he blames himself..

* He'll be okay. We'll be okay. We've got to show him that we'll be okay..

I nodded before going to take care of Star and Cross left for a meeting.

Nightmare's View:
Cross entered the room. He was the first to arrive.

* Morning Night.

* G' are you doing?

* I'm okay, just worried for Hope. He's completely shut down..

* It's understandable. Bloom was like his other half, they were twins after all. I'll talk to him after the meeting if that's okay with you.

* Sure...I just worry Hope and Dream will crash. Dream looks like he's taking what's happened like a grain of salt, but I know he'll break down.

* Why?

* This isn't's not the first he's lost...when he was living with Shattered, he lost a baby in the first trimester...

As the others came in, I told Cross that I'd talk to Dream too.

Solis's View:
I sat in the field on a blanket. I took a deep breath before grabbing a book from the pile.

We never finished this one.

The Bond Of A Lifetime...

We had of a lifetime...

I laid down, feeling her laid down next to me as we started reading together. I made sure to sit where her favourite flowers were.

The daffodils.

I didn't want to be sad, she wouldn't want that. 😅

And neither would Rose.

But that was easier said than done. An hour had passed before I heard a portal open.


* Hey Sol, do you mind if I joined you?

* Not at are you?

* I should be asking you that..

She sat down, taking her books out.

* I mean..yeah I'm hanging in there.

* I never knew that losing a cousin would feel this dark but...but losing a soulmate? I can't imagine losing Slash..

I nodded, reading a new page.

Luna's View:
Bloom was sat in the field from a distance, glancing our way every once in a while. She looked sad. I was tempted to become a phantom to talk to her but it would only confuse Solis. She didn't even know I could see her.

Maybe she'd forgotten?

I dunno.

* Want some cookies?

* Oh sure, thanks. 😊

We had some snacks before talking about our books. Bloom started walking towards us.

* I remember when Bloom told me about her feelings for you, y'know.

* ..What'd she say...?

* Too many things, heh...she went on and on and on.

He smiled slightly, trying his best to hide it.

* Hope asked me why I loved her..

* Hehe, he told me what you responded with, it was beautiful.

She sat down next to Sol, giving him a hug. He looked us and his aura changed.

* I feel like she's here..with us..

We were all smiling by now.

* I bet she is.

I looked right into her eyes and her eyes widened.

I winked before continuing to read.


Epic's View:
Dust and I had gone to a doctor's appointment and everything was good. No red flags, no causes for concern. We were cuddling on our bed when there was a knock on the door.

* Come in!

Slash came in with two cups of hot chocolate.

* Make you guys some hot cocoa.

* Aww, thanks sweetheart!

* No problemo, remember the school residential trip is next week. 🙂

* Yep, I've noted it down. Have you started packing?

He nodded, saying goodnight before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I yawned and laid down, turning the lights off with magic.

* How's the little one..?

* Still just the tiniest little soulling. I'm so excited! 😁

* Heh, me too. ❤️

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