Chapter 23 - The Message

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The Next Day...


Luna's View:
I decided to skip yesterday's dinner and breakfast today...I had lost my appetite. I kept my windows locked and pulled the curtains in. I made sure my door was locked and I kept I chair at the door. I stayed in bed as my phantom being. My phone started to ring and I went back to life form and locked it up.

* Mother I'm not h-

"You really thought you'd get away with it, right?"


I quickly hung up and teleported down to the dining room.

* Good morning Luna! I'm glad you decided to join us!

* Thanks mother...sorry about yesterday everyone..

Everyone welcomed me to the table...except for Slash, he didn't even acknowledge I was there. I sat next to Error this time. Everyone started eating. I felt my phone vibrate again.

* You okay, kiddo?

I shook my head no.

* Need to talk?

I handed him my phone and pressed the answer button. Error held it to his ear. My soul was thumping and my hands couldn't stop shaking. I felt cold, really I was shivering. A few minutes passed before he hung up the phone. He immediately whispered something to Dream, Father and Outer.


* Homeschooled?! What about my friends??

* You can call and text them.

I sighed before walking to the lab where Sci was on the second floor.

* Hey Luna, how are you feeling today?

* Fine.

We had another therapy session.

The Next Day...


I snuck out of the house and went to school. As long as Slash didn't see me, I'd be fine.

I had no idea I would soon regret coming...

We were in biology class and I sat in the back corner so Slash wouldn't see me as he usually sat in the front. Another student was asking a question when we heard a gun shot.

We all froze.

"Get under your desks, now."

I turned into a phantom as the teacher turned off the lights. We could hear screaming children from other classrooms. The door opened and the gunman looked around. He looked at Slash before aiming.

'Stand up.'

And so he did.

'We tranquillised you're entire household bud, so you're next to suffer until we find that girl.'

I should've realised they were just saying that to scare us...

I teleported behind the gun man and went into my life form, using a tentacle to crush his gun and snap him hand off. Slash looked into my eyes but it didn't last long as I ran out of the class to see what had happened. Other children were shot on the ground and police were just starting to come through. I want back into phantom form and ran into a smaller room. My phone buzzed.

[ We know you're here, Luna. You don't want to let everyone down again, right? Come to the gymnasium in the next two minutes or Slash will get stabbed much more than five times this time. ]

I messaged Error quickly and teleported to the gymnasium.

Not again.

* LET HIM GO! It's me you want.

'You really disappointed my boss, y'know. After everything he told you, you blabbered it out like the bitch you are.' He said, giving a look to the other hooded guy.

The other grabbed the cattle prod and started walking towards Slash.

* WAIT! DON'T HURT HIM, PLEASE! I-I'll do what you want-!

'All my boss wants is revenge.'

* I-If you let him go...I'll work under him, I promise. Just please don't hurt him!

'There's nothing you have that'll benefit us.'

I went into my phantom form and went behind him before becoming visible again.

* Yes I do..

He jumped at the sound of my voice, quickly moving away from me.

'What the fuck is she...'

'It doesn't matter, let him go.'

Slash was given the gun.

'We know you hate her, if you want your family safe, shoot her five times. She owes you that much right?'

* I..I don't hate h-

'Do it.'

* Slash just do it, it doesn't matter anymore!

'No pain will level to the pain she went through, boy. Oh was you that was stabbed..~'

Slash scoffed, a frown appearing on his face.

'Not shooting her would mean your parents got hurt, that's even more torture on yourself, only for Luna to victimise herself some more, y'know.'

* I can't shoot her..

I heard my phone vibrate again. It was a message from Error.

[ Can we enter the gymnasium? ]

'She doesn't even care, she's on her phone. We'll give you five seconds.'

I looked up from my phone before I could answer Error...hearing five shots.

Error's View:
When she read my message and didn't reply, Nightmare gave us the signal to go in. The Bad Sanses and I teleported in and immediately heard five gunshots.

Before we could get ahold of Luna she was teleported with the hooded men. Slash dropped the gun in shock. Dust went to Slash quickly, hugging him, telling him it was okay.

* Slash what happened? What did they do with Luna??

Nightmare asked.

* They took her...she made an agreement with work with...for them. It's as if she knew this was happening- I..I don't...they..-

* Slash calm down, it's okay.

Dust helped him up. The school was a crime scene...


* Thank you...

Dust gave me permission to talk to Slash alone. He was shaken up pretty badly. I had given him some hot chocolate to help calm him down. We were in his room, sitting on the bed.

* Did they shoot Luna..?

He shook his head, looking down.

* They...they made me hold the gun, but when they realised I couldn't do it, one of them held it with me.

* Did all five go through her?

* I don't know...I could tell after the second shot, she was trying to go into her phantom form but it was really hard for her...

I rubbed his back.

* We'll get her back.

* Luna didn't deserve that...

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