Chapter 19 - The Reason

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Two Weeks Later...

Dust's View:
"We're going to remove the breathing tube to see if he can breathe on his own then we can give him medication to wake up." The doctor said, looking at Slash's vitals.

They had finally stabilised for a day, remaining consistent. One of the nurses administered a dose of a medication that would wake up Slash as the doctor removed the breathing tube. We waited impatiently before seeing Slash open his eyes.

"Hey Slash, you must be feeling really tired but don't worry, it's expected. Do you know where you are?"

He shook his head before looking over at me.

"Do you know who that is?"

There was silence.

* My father...

* Oh Slash bud, we were so worried about you...

I was a father to him.

I was just relieved to know he was okay.

Geno's View:
I finished feeding Goth and put him to bed before going downstairs to clean up a bit. I finally had some...alone time. I turned up the music on the radio and changed happily, humming to the tune.

* You are so cute, babe.

I jumped at Reaper's voice and turned around quickly.

* Reaper! I thought you were at work...

* Got rescheduled, Slash is waking up today.

* Aww, good for him. He really is a fighter. I wish we could go visit.

* Yeah, but don't worry, we can FaceTime them if they can. :)

I opened the fridge and got some ingredients out for lunch.

* Hey, have you heard anything from Ink?

* No, he doesn't seem to call anymore. But that could be because he's too busy.

* I dunno, Ink is the kinda person to insist he gets a call in...

Reaper helped me by cutting the vegetables.

* True, true. I'll see what I can do.

We cooked lunch and sat down together and ate. Reaper turned on his phone and called Error, who answered almost immediately.

* Hey Error, did Slash wake up?

( * Thankfully yes, want me to change it to FaceTime so you can talk to him? )

* Oo yes please!

We got on FaceTime and looked at Slash, smiling and waving at the camera.

* Hi Slash!

I waved back. He looked so much better than what Dream had told us last week.

( * Hi guys...we miss you..! )

* We miss you too Slash, we're glad to see you're recovering well. :)

Luna's View:
I waved at the camera before going back to eating my lunch in Slash's room. The memories from them refused to leave me...but I didn't have it the worst.

Slash did.

One month later...


It was had been a week since Slash was released from the hospital and we were all back home. We had finished having lunch when I caught up with him.

* Hey, Slash! I was wondering if you wanted to chill together in the library. We never got to finish the series we were reading. :)

He turned to face me.

* Uh..maybe later...


* Is something wrong..?

* After what happened...I dunno I just...we're a target because of-

* My father..Slash I can assure you this will never happen again.

* We don't know that for sure..

It was my fault that monster targeted us.
It was my fault Slash got hurt.

I smiled.

* Heh, you're right. I..I'm gonna go read in my room, get some rest. :)

I walked off in the other direction and turned into a phantom. I watched Slash look back before realising I had disappeared. He walked back to his room. I teleported to the police department and walked around, finding him.

And there he was.

In handcuffs being interrogated again.

'I was forced to do it, my boss wanted them dead.'

"Unless you can give us a name, we can't and won't believe you mate."

He looked so...unserious. He kidnapped two teens and a innocent little fucking child. I snapped my fingers and he started coughing violently.

That would give him pain for a while.

Slash's View:
I went up to my room and sat down on my bed. I felt bad for dismissing Luna like that...but I didn't get the chance to apologise.

I felt exhausted.

I closed my eyes to fall asleep...


Dust's View:
I was watching TV with Epic and sharing a bowl of popcorn.

Epic got up and opened the cupboard to take Slash's medication out.

* It's already 4pm..? Damn..

* Mhm! I think he's resting but I'll go give him his-

We heard noise come from Slash's room.

* I think he's awake.

* I'll go check. :)

Slash's View:
I turned my head to forget it.

But it wouldn't-


'Hang up the phone kid.'

It wouldn't go away...

* D-Don't-

Every kick-

* Slash, don't say that...have hope...they'll find us...

Every punch.

* I'll be your knight in shining armour. :)

* Slash...

Every time his hand went around my neck.

I woke up suddenly and realised he was on top of me, both of his hand on my neck, strangling me. I couldn't yell or speak.

Too tight-

He was back for revenge...this couldn't be.


He went tighter, his grin creeping me out even more.

'You'll be silenced, don't you worry...'

Epic's View:
I was about to knock on Slash's door when I heard him.


I immediately opened the door. His eyes were glowing really brightly and he was acting as if he was trying to fight someone off.

* Dust come quick!

I rushed to him, and tried to wake him up. Dust came in within seconds and realised exactly what I did.

* Slash wake up! Epic get Dream or Nightmare, quick.

I nodded and got them both. They immediately went into Slash's mind as I ran to get Sci. He came with medication that would calm Slash down and cool him down. He was suffering even in his sleep...and we couldn't help him...

* Don't worry, Dream and Nightmare are helping him in his mind. His vitals will stable soon.

Oh Slash...

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