Chapter 47 - The Point

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Amelia's View:
"This is impossible. It's been three hours. Maybe our initial assumption was wrong, maybe she's really dead."

"I don't think so. Remember when we first met? The explosion we caused? I think this is the same thing."

"But we never touched her, so how's that possible?"

"Our powers must be stronger than before."

We teleported back to home to do more research.


Dream's View:
I put the children's dinner on the dining table and they came to eat. I may have been 9 months pregnant but I was still a mother more than anything. I went to the living room to chill with Ink, Outer and Blue. I was pretty high on meds so the strength in my body was higher than usual.

* Heyyy! Ready?

I nodded, grabbing my yoga ball.

We always did the yoga balls together whenever any of us was pregnant.

Ten minutes went by before my phone started to ring.

It was Realm?

Twice in one day? Weird.

I answered the phone and put it on speaker.

* Hey Realm! Is everything okay?

( * Is Sci there?? )

*, why what's up?

( * Delilah..there's something wrong with her. She passed out and keeps on...phasing? I dunno it's hard to explain. Can I bring her to Sci?? )

* Of course, we'll be there.

We got up and I left Luna and the twins in charge as we teleported to Sci's lab and told him the situation. A portal opened and Realm came through quickly, Delilah floating in his magic. Sci quickly took her vitals.

* Her vitals are calming down, she'll be okay here.

* So they only went crazy when she was at home?

Sci nodded, giving her medication to wake up.

* Maybe it's environmental?

* Then wouldn't I be unwell too? The first time it happened she said she could hear two voices.

* That's magic. What kinda magic does she have?

* I know her base magic is chaos magic. But the secondary branches? No clue.

* Chaos magic...let me get the twins here, they might be able to help.

Blue, Ink, Outer and I left Sci and Realm to help Delilah.

Amelia's View:
Ellie and I have just finished having some pizza when I got a phone call from Sci.

"Hey Sci! What's up?"

( * Hey sweets, I have a friend here who's pretty sick and I think you and Ellie might be able to help? Could you come over pretty please..? )

"On our way sweetheart." I smiled and hung up.

Ellie laughed a little.

"As long as we still get a good night's sleep!" Ellie said, opening a portal.

I laughed and nodded, walking through with her. Sci and another Sans were in the room, a girl on the hospital bed.

* Heyyy! Amelia meet Realm and Delilah.

"Nice to meet you two. :)"

Realm shook my hand and Delilah looked in our direction. Ellie was about to say something when Delilah's eyes suddenly glowed purple and Ellie and I blacked out.

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