Chapter 16 - The Numb

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Luna's View:
We had our blindfolds on and the man gave us some food.

* ...Thank you for the food..

'You're welcome. You can remove your blindfolds, my face is glitched.'

And so we did. I really couldn't tell who it was. But it was definitely a monster.

* ...what did our father do to you..?

I started to eat, and so did Slash. We didn't want to piss him off.

'It was his fault Dream stopped providing positivity to the timeline. Everyone suffered the lack of such an important emotion. You had no idea what pure negativity feels like.'

That's hilarious.

* Right...

Slash cleared his throat.

* We're sorry he made you feel this way...nobody deserves that..


We continued eating, trying to get as much information as possible.

* What do you want to gain from doing this..?

Slash looked at me with fearful eyes.


* Taking us...what do you gain from it.

'Your father will learn what it feels like to have something significant taken from him.'

Slash looked down.

* ...and what about Dream?

He snickered.

'Oh I have other plans for Dream, don't you worry.'

We continued eating in silence.


Ink's View:
I woke up...feeling really sore...

..w-what happened...?
I don't know, it hurts..

There was a bruise on my chest but what concerned me the most...was that my ecto was fully formed.

My female ecto.

What if-
Don't even say it, don't you DARE say it.

I heard chatting outside.

* So, satisfied?

* Definitely, I'll be back for more.

* Sure whatever. The money?

* 2k, it'll increase next time no doubt bro.

* Aight, thanks.

It's not true, d'you hear me?!

The door opened, my brother looking right at me.

* That medication lasted long, hmph.

* ...

* You moaned the whole time, and it got me quite a bit of money, y'know.

Oh my God.

* Why am I in pain.

He sat down on the chair close to me. I slowly sat up.

* Isn't it obvious?

Th-This must be a dream...r-right?

* Oh c'mon Ink, you know exactly what happened.

We were raped.

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