Chapter 82 - The Distance

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Bloom's View:
Solis didn't sit with us in the morning. I felt bad...

He thinks you're selfish.

When we finished eating I went to him.

* Sol, can we talk..?

* There's nothing t-to talk a-about.

* Please Solis, I'm sorry about how I acted..

* Have you g-gotten rid o-of them?

* but-

* Then l-like I said, st-stay away from m-me.

None of the known crystals will help improve your friendship with him.

I went to my room and locked the door before taking out all the crystals and laying them out.

The clear one.

* The clear one doesn't have a specific ability...

I held the clear crystal up to my minifridge.


It decreased in size.

* Okay...

Turn pink.

And it did.

* It does everything and anything..!

Hope's View:
* Yeah..I remember..

* W-What do we d-do?

* There's only one thing to do. Use it against her. We can't erase her memory of she has to give her magic up, otherwise she'll becomes like Flail or Shattered.

* She's gonna hate us for this..

* We'll find a way to get her magic back without the crystals...hopefully.

* Th-The hard part is getting them off her..

* I don't want you to get hurt..I'll do it.

* Hope!-

I telelported to Bloom's room, but she wasn't there. The crystals had to be somewhere here. I checked her drawers, cupboards, and wardrobes.


They weren't in her boxes of books. I was about to check in her en suite when I saw a glow from under her bed.

I had to make sure not to use them.

I grabbed then carefully and put them in a small bag.

I took the orange, yellow, green, and blue one. Where was the red, black, white and clear one?

* Wow.

My eyes looked up at Bloom, Solis was right behind her.

* You both really hate me that much? You said these crystals had addicting effects but seems you're the one who wants them.

I stood up, looking at Solis. He looked stressed. Nightmare would be here soon..

* I don't want them sis, you need to get away from them. Tell me where the other ones are, please.

* Father told me you guys would trust to get them off me.

That's what felt different.
Her eyes, they were a different colour.
No, he wouldn't say that to her.


He's dead..

* could you do that?! Shattered is not alive and HE'S NOT OUR FATHER.

* At least he has faith in me. Which makes me do you even remember what I purposely removed from your memories?

* Twins are connected in case you've forgotten. How can you take his side over Mother's, over the ENTIRE FAMILY?

* Give me the crystals, Hope.

* No, give me the other ones and we can put this whole thing behind us.

She rolled her eyes.

* You leave me no choice, brother.

Solis's View:
Before Hope coild say anything, the white crystal appeared right in front of him. I immediately closed my eyes.

* B-Bloom what are you doing?! He's y-your brother!-

Hope started to walk towards her, taking out the crystals. Her aura darkened.

* P-Please st-stop..!

I tapped her but she was fully focused on getting what she wanted.

This wasn't her...

* Bloom..?

He gave them to her and she left him standing. His eyelights had gone from yellowish-red to completely white. Hope kneeled in front of her.

* She'll do what I say.


I tried to unlock the door, but it wouldn't budge. My teleportation wasn't even aura wasn't being communicated..I couldn't even-

* You think I'd forget about the little brother of a colleague?

I shakily turned around and looked at Bloom. She wasn't the one in control.

* W-What have you done t-to her?!

* She'll be back soon and the guilt will consume her like never before.

* H-Hope will f-forgive h-her!

* Sure, but she won't forgive herself after this.

* After-

Hope's View:
I couldn't move but as soon as Bloom held up the clear crystal to Solis, my heart sank. He was trying so hard to fight it off...this power. I knew exactly what Shattered was trying to do. Every time I tried to break free, it only hurt me more. Solis kneeled, his head in his hands, crying for it to stop.

* Let me in, Solis.


I wanted everything to be okay.

* You can't fight it forever. Give in.



If she had just listened..
If we had just given her what she wanted...
If I had just been a better brother..

* There you go...wasn't that hard, was it?

Solis was passed out on the floor. I felt my control return; I ran straight to Solis.

* The golden apple is next on my checklist.

Bloom disappeared and the door unlocked. I let off a panic aura as I tried to wake Solis up.

* C'mon Sol, wake up-

I checked his soul, it was beating slow and its glow was disappearing.

* Hope?

Father entered the room.

* I'll take Sol to Sci and Amelia, you need to stay with mother-

* What happened??

* Bloom, she was being influenced or controlled by Shattered. Her eyes changed, she has all the crystals. She said the golden apple was the tlnext target.

* Okay, but are you okay?!

I tried not to cry.

* I'm fine...I just need Bloom back..

* We'll get her back, I promise.

I nodded, before teleporting Sol and I to Sci.

I laid him on the bed and went to Sci's office.

* Sci..?

* Oh hey, you okay?

I explained the situation to him.

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