Chapter 99 - The Support

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Grace's View:
"It''s a relaxer mixed with hot sauce..." I mumbled, getting all flustered.

It was so embarrassing!-

* We couldn't quite hear you, Grace. 🙂

I looked up. Hope must've had a very high spice tolerance because he wasn't panicking at all.

"It's a relaxer medication. It forces me to calm down when I start to feel too worried or scared...and the hot source...well...I really like hot it's a guilty pleasure..."

I looked at Hope.

"You should probably lay down for a but're gonna feel really tired in a bit..."

* Why would you need to forcefully relax yourself?

They hadn't told him?

* We didn't tell anyone Grace, we knew you wanted it kept private.

They did that...for me?

* Kept what private.

I took my soul out.

"I'm not fully human. I'm half monster."

They all looked at my soul in confusion.

* Why's your soul clear?

"It depends on my emotion. I have elemental magic. Like when I'm angry, I have a red soul like Classic!Frisk, as well as fire abilities. I don't use my magic often though, so please don't try to trigger it.."

* If you don't mind us asking, why don't you use them?

I looked down.

* She's cursed. If she feels fear, the curse will slowly kill her.

Nightmare's View:
I think I know why she isolates you remember the school newsletter?

Yeah? What about it.

I think the boy that passed is her brother, there's some similarities between them.

"I should go, I'm sorry for worrying e-"

* Is that how you brother died?

Why did you ask her so bluntly?! It could be triggering for her..!

We need to know.

"...Yes. I should go."

You know something, don't you.

I'm not completely sure.

* You're the one who hacked the hospital files, right?

She froze.

We can't scare hear too much, it'll hurt her.

Does it look like I care?


* Answer the question.

"I...I just needed to know what everybody's magical abilities were...if I should stay away, it wasn't to hurt anybody- I promise!-"

* was you?

"I..I'm sorry..I was worried that I would be in danger if I get on everybody's wrong side...p-please forgive me...!"

Her aura is changing. She's upset...about to cry. Calm her down.

I'll do what I w-

Calm. Her. Down.

* We forgive you.

She shakily looked up at me.


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