Chapter 65 - The Start

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Blue's View:
I helped Navy wash his hands before he finished his potty training for the morning and went to school with Lux and Cross. The house was finally children-free, well, except for-

There was a knock on the utility room door.

* Hm? Come in!

Solis opened the door and stood in the doorway.

* Oh, hey Solis! How can I help you?

I pressed a few buttons and the washing machine started to do it's job.

* Um..I didn't know who to...

I put the basket to the side and started taking the clothes out of the dryer.

* Yeah...?

He stopped talking.

* Solis?

* I deserve to live..?

I immediately turned around and saw the tears rolling down his eyes. I went up to him and took his hand before telling us to my bedroom. Nightmare was sitting on our bed on his phone.

* Night, out please.

* But-

* Out.

When he realised who was with me, he left the room and closed the door behind him. I grabbed the box of tissues on my bedside table and sat him down on a comfy chair. I deserve to live?

That question, that question felt like an electric shock.

* Don't hold back on the tears, it's okay, I won't go anywhere.

He nodded, wiping his tears. I hugged him so he'd feel warm as we spoke. Some time passed before he calmed down.

* you feel like you deserve to live..?

He shook his head, looking down.

* You can't forgive yourself..but would ending your life result in you forgiving yourself..?

He shook his head.

Thank goodness...

* Tell me about your sister, Rose. What was she like?

* the best big sister in the whole wide world...

* What would she have told you in a moment like this?

* hold on..

* Don't let Flail's voice guide you, let her voice support you, I promise things will get better, even when they seem to deep a hole to come out of.

* sound like her..

I saw a smile peek out of his face. Night knocked on the door and I let him in. He gave me the same look he gave me when he first saved me. The feelings that Solis was emitting were confusing but by Nightmare's look, my soul felt like breaking.

Opposite Blue - Chapter 1:
Nothing would change if I did nothing right? I knocked on Dream's door nervously. It opened with his magic; I went in.

* What's up?

* Dream...we need to talk. I do almost everything and I barely get sleep nor free time to myself. Of course I care about helping others but not at the extend that I feel weak and drowsy all the time...

Dream put his hand on the desk and turned around to face me. He looked angry.

* I balanced the good and bad of every timeline in this multiverse but you don't see me complaining! Stop being ungrateful Blue, we've given you everything.

* I am grateful, I just-

* Stop caring about yourself for once.

Those words cut deeper than any attack laid in me. I apologised for disturbing him and went back to my room. He was right.

I was selfish.
I was ungrateful.

I grabbed the little box under my bed and went to the nearby river. I sat down and frowned.

I couldn't do anything right.

I opened the box and grabbed the small stained knife.

If you want to work sloppy, you can get punished.

I cut again and again, not stopping. The tears poured more and more but I let out no noise. After all, this was deserved for my lazy work.


I gasped as I realised I had cut deeper than expected. It stung painfully. My heart began to beat faster and faster as the blood poured. I quickly grabbed a cloth, laying pressure on the injury. Everything seemed to spin and I couldn't help it...I passed out.


Night walked into the room with warm, soaked towels and walked towards Solis with a gentle look on his face. He kneeled in front of him and held out his hands, th towels floating besides him.

* We can help you.

Solis looked into Nightmare's eyes before hesitantly giving him his hands. Night's magic slowly and carefully rolled up Solis's sleeve and before I could even see it, the towels wrapped themselves around his arms. Night's look changed and Solis nodded.

* When we're done, we'll meet you in Solis's room, okay Blue?

Nightmare's View:
Blue nodded before teleporting. It was just me and Solis. He lifted his shirt with fresh tears in his eyes. I wrapped a towel around his torso before he showed me his legs. I used magic to bring a little table for him to prop his legs up on so I could wrap two towels of them.

* You might wanna hold me hand for this next part.

He gulped and held my hand before I activated the spell, the disinfectant going into the wounds. He cringed and squeezed my hand.

* I know, don't think about it too much.


Blue's View:
I stayed with Solis all day, cooking, talking, and just sitting with him, deep in thought. My mind had tried to create the images as to what his arms looked like. It felt so wrong and...and numb. It was so long ago since I had hurt myself like that. Nightmare spent the morning helping him clean the wounds. Stuff like this, you can't really put a bandage on, it had to heal on their own. And using healing magic created scars that were too obvious.

This time, Solis sat down in between be and Nightmare for dinner. We all dug in, talking about general things.

* We didn't see you today at school Solis, are you sick?

Luna asked, digging into her steak.

He slowly nodded, looking away.

* Do you think you'll come tomorrow? The bake sale is tomorrow.

* U-Um...I dunno..

* He's has an infection so we're keeping him home for a bit till Sci says it's alright.

Luna nodded and continued to eat.

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