Chapter 94 - The Pleasure

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One week later...


No One's View:
Killer slammed into Outer, burying himself all the way in to the hilt and making the smaller moan as he was rocked forward. He didn’t wait, immediately beginning to thrust,  fucking Outer into the bed. Outer cried out Killer's name almost unintelligibly.

He could barely breathe through the pleasure and the heat. He kept crying out and scrabbling at the bed sheet. He was so wet and tight. Killer had never felt anything like it and his entire body buzzed in excitement, his vision becoming swamped with white for a moment before he shook his head, quickly dispersing them. He couldn’t stop. Not right now. Not when he was having such an opportunity.

Killer and Outer were so meant to be~

He continued to slam into Outer, groaning quietly as he slid his hands down the smaller's soft, quivering body. He was pushing the shirt up as far as he could so he could see everything. He slid his hands back and gave Outer's ass a squeeze, making the other yelp and tighten on him. Killer winced, a low moan escaping him as well.

* F-F-Fuck…babe!~

He returned his hands to Outer's hips.

He tried to change his angle and continued to thrust. Outer's eyes widened and he screamed for Error. It seemed the bigger had found one of his soft spots.

* A-Ah!~ K-Killer mmph!~ yes~!

His magic hit in pleasure. The sight alone almost made Killer lose it. His sounds were even better, Killer struggling to keep himself together. Outer's eyes were screwed shut as tears of pleasure ran down his face.

He tried to stifle his noises, but covering his mouth only seemed to make them louder as his boyfriend continued to rut into him. He was so close. Killer was close as well. Outer felt so good, he couldn’t help himself. He could see the fizzling right at the edges on his vision. He just had to hold out until he could cum. He was panting, his own face burning hot as he continued to thrust. Despite Outer's bones being cold to the touch, his ecto was warm and inside was even better. Outer's body was cushioning his cock perfectly and Killer was marveling at how well they fit together. He slammed in deep and Outer screamed his name again, only to wail in frustration when Killer pulled back again.

* Killer, ngh, don't stop!~

He continued to fuck into him, enjoying the sight of Outer writhing beneath him, begging for him to speed up and screaming that he wanted to cum. Killer leaned forward and began to stimulate Outer's clit with his fingers. It sent small vibrations through Outer's most sensitive point and he shrieked Killer's name as he squeezed down on him, cumming hard.

Killer yelped and screwed his eyes shut, moaning for Outer as he slammed in and released. Reaper groaned, feeling the hot cum pour into him. It felt so good and it was soothing the unbearable heat their bodies were in.

* good..we gotta get up though..

* I don't wanna..

* C'mon Kills...I promised Epic I'd help with the gardening today.

* But like...Dust can help em..

* I promised. 🥹

Killer gave Outer lots of kisses before sitting up. They both got out of bed and got ready together.

Epic's View:
I planted seeds and watered them. Most of the flowers were already in bloom but we had a bit more space left to plant some more. I heard the garden door open and Outer came out, carrying Noir.

* Morning Outer! :)

* Hiya, sorry I'm a little late...Noir needed his nappy changed.

* No worries at all, I've done the first few.

We continued to talk and do the gardening. I'd been feeling so happy lately. Just the thought of bringing a child into the world made me so joyful. Outer quickly sat down.

* Are you okay..?

* Oh- yeah- totally- just...thinking about what flowers to plant on the opposite side..

* Oh, okay.

I continued planting more flowers.

Dream's View:
I was sat in Bloom's room. For the last week, I'd just been telling myself that she wasn't gone, she was simply on the cruise with her brother.

But reality never seized to disappear. The pictures on the wall represented her.

Research paper...

She loved to learn more.
She wanted answers...
Answers I couldn't give.

But another question was on my mind.

If Bloom was gone, did that mean Shattered was gone too?

There was a feeling of excitement within more torture..but not having her here was the cost. And I would give anything to go through that torture every second of everyday if that meant she would be here with me. I was tired of crying.

I was tired.

I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep since her passing. Repeats of her last moment playing in my mind over and over again. How was I able to save so many monsters, humans and timelines yet not save my own daughter? That question had no answer because there was no valid excuse. Seeing Hopr break down everyday, isolate himself, refuse to go on...was more than a tipping point for me. Two peas in a pod.

* Dream? I've said your name five times-

I turned to the door and saw Nightmare, Navy holding onto hla tentacle, standing besides him.

* Oh everything okay?

* I could feel your emotions from my office. Are you okay?

* Yes I'm alright. I'm about to put her things into boxes. 😅

* You don't have to-

* I need to...every time I pass the room and see her things, a part of me breaks down. I can't...I can't do that anymore..

* Would you like me to help?

I nodded, opening a box to put her essays into. She was so studious and curious. She reminded me of Cross so much...

Nothing like Shattered.

Two girls, two boys.
One girl, two boys.

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