Chapter 25 - The Look

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The Next Day...


Blue's View:
The children were all safe with Epic in another timeline while the rest of us were ready to attack the base Luna had sent us coordinates for.

* As soon as Luna gets then to step out, we attack.

We nodded as Night gave the order. I looked over at Slash, he looked sad not than anything. He wanted things between him and Luna to be okay again  but he was also still healing from what happened and needed that space.

Luna's View:
'I build the machine out here guys.'

I could feel my entire family nearby, ready to attack. If I missed this up, anybody could get hurt.

Especially Slash.

We walked out slowly and before they could react, we were blasted back inside.


I had to act as if I was working with the bad guys for the meantime, fighting Hope and Bloom pretty harshly.


My eyes immediately went to him, I had to make sure he didn't get hurt. He dodged just in time but a huge table came my way and threw me up against a wall. I glared at Bloom. I couldn't show forgiveness on my face. I continued to battle them, moving the fight slowly away from the hooded men. We eventually stopped fight and I gave them a big hug.

* I missed you guys so much..

* We missed you more!

* Our parents and their teams are fighting the men so we're gonna help in a hidden way.

* Alright.

My phone buzzed and I answered the phone.


* I've got Dream's twins in my hold, you can use the threat against them.

( "Great, on it." )

I started telling the twins about the plan when I felt a presence quickly approaching. I couldn't see or hear footsteps...but someone was definitely there. I blasted behind me and one of the hooded men became visible and was knocked against the wall and passed out.


He passed out.

I got out some files.

* Their primary aim is to take Dream's soul as that contains the last golden apple and find the other apples too. Originally they were gonna poison but then they though of just stabbing him or something.

* ...POISON?

* Wait Luna that makes no sense. Why'd they kidnap you instead of us then?

* Then needed revenge, it was because of my father that Dream became protective of the tree, it's all part of their plan.

We went down the hallway.

* Okay I'm gonna have to use magic on you guys so they don't suspect anything. 😭

* Oh boy..

The twins closed their eyes as I cast magic upon them so they'd be controlled by me. I walked into the area where they were fighting, Hope and Bloom helplessly following behind me.

The fight paused as everyone looked at me.

'Wow would ya look at that...~'

'She could kill them both with a simple snap of her fingers.'

'Unless you voluntarily give us your soul.'

Dream looked at Nightmare and Cross before looking at me.

* Tick tock Dream.

I glanced over at Outer and he knew it was time. He looked at each of the men and we had a little bit of time to get out of here.


I undid the spell on the twins and opened a portal for them. Mother gave me a hug before going through their portal and father took the files just in case. Everyone had gone through their portal as I took one last look back as Outer went out of their minds and went through his portal so I went through mine. We were all in the garden.

* Woohoo-!

Bloom cheered. Everyone seemed so happy, and that in turn made me feel really joyful too. But as soon as I glanced over at Slash, that smile disappeared from my face. I don't think he'd forgiven me yet...and he has every reason to feel that way. Mother came up to me and gave me another hug.

* We're so happy you're okay Luna. :)

* Thanks mother, I'm glad to be back. Hopefully they'll never bother us a-

That feeling...was torture. I fell to my knees as I felt that shock pierce me so deep it could be felt from my soul as well. The look of horror covered every single family member's face.

'You lot never learn your lessons, do you.'

Again, he shocked me with that prod, my eyes widening.

* What do you want from us, Luna can't give you what you're looking for.

I heard Father's voice as my vision began to blur.

'You know what I want?'


'All we want...'

And again.

'Are those golden apples.'


'You're gonna tell me where those apples are, don't make me use the prod again Luna.'

Dream came forward.

* B-But I don't know-

And again.

Slash's View:
I clenched my fists every time he used that thing on Luna.

'Y'know research shows that using this thing too many times kills a person.'

He used it again, this time grabbing Luna and making her look at us.

She looked directly at me.

'You owe him one hell of an apology. Go on.'

* ...s-s....-

'Too late, the damage was already done.'


Luna was passed out of the ground, shaking involuntarily as electric shocks were seen around her.

* You won't get away with this! 😡

'Oh Dream, we already have. We're
always one stop ahead of you.'

He teleported off and the adults immediately went to help Luna. This is the hell she had gone through...

Luna had one of the highest pain tolerances in the family so the fact that she passed out and looked at me in such pain meant it was one of the worst she'd ever experienced...

She was carried by her Dad to the medical unit, leaving the rest of us here.

* I've been so selfish...

* Slash, no you h-

* Yes I have! I was so caught up in recovering I didn't even care about Luna's and Lux's...this could've been all prevented.

I went to to my room to think about how I could make it up to her...

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