Chapter 48 - The Early

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Dream's Past (with Shattered):
Dream looked down at his babies.

Hope and Bloom.

He didn't even have any hope left. He was trapped, injured, silenced..


Shattered controlled everything in his life.

His daily routine.
His diet.
His sleep schedule.

He signed in frustration as the babies started to cry. Dream still wasn't use to this..

* Please stop crying..are you hungry? Tired? Bored??

Dream picked Bloom up and cradled her, but that only made Hope cry louder.

* Oh my goodness.

He unfolded the double buggy and put the twins in and opened the front door.

* If this doesn't get you two quiet I don't know what else to do...

Dream had spent over an hour trying to get them to sleep, but nothing had worked. He knew he wasn't really supposed to go outside but he was out of options. He wore an oversized hoodie and leggings to hide the bruises and scars and walked around the neighbourhood, the twins slowly quieting down. He smiled at the few people walking by, relieved at the feeling of the wind touching his face.

He hadn't felt that in a long time..

Half an hour passed by before the twins finally fell to sleep so he returned back home. Shattered was sat on one of the chairs around the dining table in the kitchen. Dream took the babies out of the buggy and carried them, entering the kitchen and putting them in their baby rockers.

[ * Where did you go. ]

* They wouldn't stop crying...s-so I took them for a walk..

[ * You could've gone to the garden. Which makes me think you're not telling the truth. ]

* I promise I a-am..I covered everything, didn't talk to anyone, and I stayed in the neighbourh-

Dream's eyes watered as Shattered hit him hard in the face.

[ * Bullshit. I did not choose such a spacious house for you to go out. ]

Shattered grabbed his neck and knocked him against the wall.

* I-I'm S-SORR- NKH-

[ *'ll wake them up again, sunlight. Don't cry. ]

Dream formed his ecto to cushion his neck and body; soon enough, he was let go.


Amelia's View:
We hadn't woken up yet but it had still been the best night ever. Whenever we all fell asleep at the same time, we were taken back to that table with the floating boxes all around us.

"You do ballet??" Ellie was surprised, and so was I.

"Hehe, yeah. I grew up in an orphanage and went to ballet classes with the girls, then four years ago when I turned 18, I got a scholarship. :)"

"Awww cute!"

We were all given different guidebooks but only I could see what was in mine and the same applies with my sisters. According to mine, we were a unique breeding of fairies and witches, which was why our magic was dangerously elevated. As far as humans were aware, watches and fairies were being extinct, but our parents were fairy (mother) and wizard (father). Besides us, the fairies, wizards and witches left were safe in the enchanted, invisible-to-maps country we first found our parents in.

A country called Spheldia. ✨


Dream's View:
* Cross, I'm okay now, I promise it was Shattered, not me. ;-;

Cross hadn't left my side after the way he found me in the bath. He had every reason to feel the way he did, even I felt that way.

Slightly annoyed.

When he took me out of the bath, I motioned for him to get the device and he injected it straight away. I had to use an oxygen mask as soon as Cross informed Nightmare and Sci. Nightmare was pretty...annoyed, he thought there was something wrong with him but it actually me..

There was something wrong with me.

* Can you get me a hot water bottle Crossy..please?

Sci looked at me.

* Are you feeling discomfort?

* No but..I feel odd..

* How so?

* I dunno, cold..? Numb?

Sci used magic to scan my body before stopping.

* You're not due for another month, right?

* ..yeah...why, what's wrong?

* You're water just broke Dream. But not to worry, you're 32 weeks in, so it's not entirely bad.

Cross held my hand.

* Not entirely bad..?

* The medication Dream takes only slows down the magic infection, not cure it. So giving birth at 32 weeks is more...dangerous in a way.

Wow. Finally awake from my forced sleep and such a surprise awaits me~

I kept a firm grip on Cross's hand.

Blue's View:
Luna, Navy, Nightmare and I were having breakfast together when I decided to bring up quite the topic.

* So, how was your prom, Luna?

She slowly turned to face me.

* It was fine-

* She did the head turn. What happened at prom Luna?

Nightmare didn't know yet. 🤭

* Absolutely nothing, RIGHT Mother?

I picked up Night's phone.

* Mhm, mhm.

I showed him a social media post made by others in the school.


Nightmare's jaw slightly dropped.

* What did you show??-

Luna dashed over to see and her eyes widened.

* MOTHER!!1!1

She grabbed the phone and switched it off.


* Morning guys!

Dust, Epic and Slash entered the living room.

* Thisisevil-

I send the post to Dust and Epic's phones before telling them to check their phones.


* Ohmygod you guys KISSED? AWWW! That's 10G, Dust! :3

* That's the cutest picture I've ever are you guys official?

Dust sat next to Night and Eric sat with me and Navy. Slash and Luna avoided eye contact and all costs.

* I think they are!~

Nightmare turned to Slash and patted him on the back.

* I am very happy for you two. Just...remember who her father is. 😀

* Nighty you'll scare the poor boy! You can sit with Luna in the kitchen if you'd like. :)

They both nodded and rushed in, we laughed as they closed the door behind them quickly. We all knew it was bound to happen at some point.

They were just waiting for the right time.

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