Chapter 59 - The Will

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Ink's View:
When Error and I were finally able to control ourselves again, we were back in our shared room.

I wanted to burn this entire place down.

I immediate went to the door, bashing my hand against it over and over again.


* Ink you'll get into trouble, stop-

* Horror you don't understand. They're stressing Jammy out. They put him into an nightmare-induced sleep. LET ME OUT!!!

I turned the doorknob over and over again, trying to open the door. I screamed as loud as I could, trying to get someone's attention.

"Ink, they won't-"


The door opened and we all lost control.

"Anything at all? I'm flattered~! Follow me, 4."

I felt myself move eagerly with her. We took a few turns and went down a hallway. She opened the door and she made me go inside, locking me in before clicking her fingers.

I didn't waste any time.

I ran to Jammy's side, he was sweating in his sleep, crying..I immediately picked him up from the bed and went into the bathroom, filling the tub with cool water. I gently placed him in and I got in too, watching him slowly calm down.

I took a sigh of relief...

He would be okay...he would realise it was a dream...or rather a nightmare.

* It's okay my love, mama's here, it was just a dream..

Jammy opened his eyes slowly, looking at me.

How could she do this to a child?

I didn't stop holding his hand, and neither did he.

* It was just a dream my love...everybody and everything is okay, I promise...

He nodded, a smiling peaking out.

Violetta unlocked the door and I froze. She...she was holding Palette.

Just give her what she wants.
This is mentally exhausting.
Not in front of the children..

"Are you going to obey now?"

* Yes, I'll do whatever you want.

"Amazing. I'm guessing that means I won't have to control you, correct?"

I nodded, Jammy sitting up to glare at her.

"Tell me everything you know."

Nightmare's View:
The fact that their children had been taken made my blood boil. I didn't waste any time. I knocked on the door and waited. It soon opened and a woman presented herself, holding Palette.

I'm guessing that's Violetta..
Obviously, you fool.

"I'm glad you could make it, come inside.."

And so, I did.

We went to her office and she used magic to open the door. Horror, Error and Ellie were standing emotionlessly by her desk.

"There's no point in trying anything, they can't hear you and they only take orders from me."

I nodded, looking at her bulletin board. There were several pictures of Amelia and research on her magic type.

* Bit obsessive, don't you think?

"Hmph. I'm guessing you want your friends back, right?"

* Of course. But every villain likes an exchange, right?

"Give me Amelia, I'll let them all go."

* And what if I decline.

She sighed before giving Palette to Error. Violetta opened a drawer and took out some pictures and a powered substance.

"All I have to do is send out an order, and they're dead. Don't test me."

* So when things don't go your way, you hurt them? That's immature. The more of us you hurt, the angrier Amelia will get, the more likely she'll have a reason to reset this timeline. Don't push my boundaries and I won't push yours.

She sighed.

"You make a good point. Does she know about the children?"

* Yes.

"Hmph. Then you can be our little...messenger. Tell her to make herself present here by the evening, otherwise I won't hesitate to go ahead and make a threat she won't forget."

I nodded before looking at the other three.

* Where's Ink?

"Wouldn't you like to know."

* Yes...that's why I asked.

She rolled her eyes.

"1, escort him to 4. Now."

I followed Horror to a room quite a distance from her office.

* Horror...can you hear me? You need to snap out of it.


He unlocked the door and I saw Ink next to the bed that Jam was resting in.

* Ink?

Ink turned and looked at me.
He looked miserable and restless.

* What happened? Are you okay?

I entered the room and so did Horror, locking it behind him.

* She forced a bad dream into she let me calm him down after....after I agreed to help her. I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice I-

* It's okay Ink, you did what was best, trust me. Does he need any medication or anything?

* just rest. If anything happens to Palette, I'll never forgive myself-

* He's okay, don't worry. Do you know how she got you all under her control?

* was some enchanted screen for Error and I but some sort of amulet for Ellie and Horror.

* Noted. We'll get you out of here soon, okay?

He nodded.

Horror unlocked the door and we went back to her office.

"I'll be seeing you soon, right?"

* Sure.

I teleported back home and sat down on the sofa. Outer's eyes stopped glowing.


* Ink was right about what she used to hypnotise them, but what they are specifically? I have no idea. There's security everywhere in that building. The only safe way to get them put is if Amelia and Delilah go in.

"Sis, let's do it. We need to get the children out of there."

Amelia nodded.

It was a risk worth taking.

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