Chapter 20 - The Silence

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One Week Later...

Ink's View:
I looked at Gaster as he glared back at me.

* I've trained you better.

Don't say anything.

* Do you know how many negative reports he gave me?



He's mad.
R-Really m-m-mad-!

* No..

* This is all a joke to you isn't.

* ..what? No of course n-

* Then what happened over there for you to become so fucking rebellious?!

* ...I-

Two weeks ago:
My vision was blurred as I woke up very slightly.

My head...
Did he...did he drug us again...?
Mhm..I think so...

* An hour?

* Yep.

* Thanks bro.

Not again..!

The basement door opened and I couldn't tell who it was. The light blinded me but it quickly went dark again when he shut the door behind him.

* That ecto...~

I could barely move as I felt him take my clothes off. But nothing could be done as I blacked out for a few minutes again.

We feel so weak..
Hey, we'll be okay.
H-He was on top of us-!

I opened my eyes again to feel fingers inside of me. The drug made it feel...not painful...

* C'mon babe, I wanna hear you enjoying this..


He went deeper.

* Mmph..p-please stop...

I couldn't push him away, my muscles had been relaxed so much.

* You're pissing me off now.

He took his fingers out quickly and pulled down his joggers. I felt some feeling in my legs finally. I kicked him back and rushed off the mattress, making my way towards the opposite end of the basement.

So blurry...w-we need to get out of here-!

* Bitch.

I felt him knock me up again the wall, his dick rubbing on me.

* P-Please, I have a f-family-

* Heh, you think I care? I paid for I want my moneys worth.

I felt him suddenly go in with no warning or hesitation whatsoever.

* T-Too b-big- ah~!

* Mmph, they weren't kidding about feeling amazing...

He started thrusting, giving me barely any time to adjust. I covered my mouth with one of my hands but that was short lived as he grabbed my hands and forced them against the wall. He started going harder.

* Ah~!

* There you go baby...c'mon, you love this so much...ngh~

No One's View:
Ink was tight, and as the thrusting continued, he naturally got more and more wet inside. The pain and the pleasure mixed to make an uncomfortable yet 'pleasurable' feeling.

Something to fill up the emptiness.

* Moan louder, bitch.

The monster quickly moved him and Ink to the bed and he forced Ink to sit on him as he thrusted up into him.

* A-Ah...t-too much-!

* Take it, babe.

Ink tensed up as he felt his limit reach but soon groaned when the monster stopped.

* You want me so badly, y'know~?

* P-Please...please stop...

He turned Ink around so his face was away from him. Ink's breasts started to get groped.

* A-Ah...p-please I can't t-take it anym- AH~!

The thrusting started again. Soon enough, the monster began to thrust harder and Ink's eyes widened as he moaned against him. Ink squeezed his eyes shut. He was so tight. Ink's walls clamped on him and seemed to suck him in and he groaned, his face as flushed as Ink's. Ink's fingers dug into the bedsheets - after the position was changed - tearing them a little.

* Oh, fuck, babe...

* N-No more...I-I'm gonna p-pass out~!

Ink panted out in response, panting and whining. He was shaking. The guy continued to rock the other's body, groaning and shaking. It felt so good. Ink was crying, tears running down his face.

The monster whispered that he was close, his crackling magic becoming more and more apparent as he sped up his thrusts. Ink screamed out, feeling heat rising in his belly. He came with a startled whine, moaning as he felt him release inside of him. He tipped his head back, his toes curling and feet arching.

Ink's View:
* I don't want to talk about it.

* I don't care about what you want.

He came up to me and grabbed my arm, dragging me upstairs.

Th-The room-!

* You're going into that room unless you give me an explanation for your behaviour.

* I behaved well- let go of me!

His grip tightened.

Just like that other time when that other monster-
Don't...don't remind us again...

* He went against your aims of taking me there.

* We made a deal, no he d-

* I was sexually assaulted.

Gaster paused before looking at me.

* He got paid to have me available, he drugged me so I wouldn't fight back, you can run blood tests, CCTV, I noticed a small camera in the top corner of the room I stayed in, please just don't-

* If I find out you're lying, you'll be in so much trouble.

He teleported me back to the capsule and he slammed the front door behind him. Bete came in, eating ice cream.

* You must've really pissed him off...what'd you do?

* Nothing Bete, I'm not in the mood to talk to you.

* Awww, I'm deeply hurt..!

She looked into my eyes with her glowing pink eyes for a few seconds before snapping out, her eyes widened.

* W..what...I..-

* This is why privacy is a thing Bete. I'm sorry you saw that but that's your fault for looking.

* They pinned you up against the-

* Don't. Don't talk about it...please.

She sat down on Gaster's chair and avoided my eyes.

* Gaster doesn't believe me.

She didn't respond, so we simply waited for Gaster to come back. He opened the door and put a bloody knife on his desk.

* Did you kill him..?

* Not at all, but he's on the brink of it. If the local hospital can save him then good for him.

I sat in the capsule as Gaster turned its noise suppression on so he could talk to Bete.

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